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About ZeroDictator

  • Birthday April 8

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    History, Games (modding and playing them), Anime, etc.

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  1. I will be joining as well (if my fever doesn't go up too much )
  2. Thanks for the Battlefield 3 code!
  3. Windows 7 definitely. Win XP and Win 98 were great but Win 7 is still better.
  4. Here is a list: C&C Series (but not RA3 and C&C4) -this includes the fan made games like TS:Reborn Total War Series Age of Empires 2 Sid Meier's Civilization V Chariots of War (Settlers 3) (Starcraft) Crusader Kings II Red Orchestra 2 HS Rainbow Six Rogue Spear and Raven Shield Planetside 2 Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis (MechaWarrior 3) Star Wars Battlefront 2 Super Mario 64 Kirby's Fun Pak (Kirby Super Star) That list is shorter than I thought. Of course there are games that I like but they aren't worthy to be mentioned on this list.
  5. Happy birthday Command & Conquer! Happy birthday to you! I really wish to someday see new official C&C game to be released. EA give me back my legi... I mean... C&C!
  6. It can but you need to install a plug in.
  7. You can get them from crates. Also in singleplayer you can get them by using commands.
  8. That just looks amazing! It is great to hear that the game is mostly done. Can't wait for public release.
  9. Hopefully I can make it in time. Sounds fun!
  10. Those Robot Tanks (well actually all the tanks) look sweet! Nice to see new videos from this great mod
  11. Mind control logic was explained (at least what they plan) in another thread. Baasically, the psicorps trooper/Yuri unit freezes the enemy as they take control (won't be instant), and the enemy gets turned into a soviet bot of the same units that attacks the allies. The controller can switch between controlling the yuri unit and controlling the bot directly. Sounds really cool
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