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Everything posted by ganein14

  1. YES! Make it see who can last the longest!
  2. THAT, I didn't know. Imagine if you could combine those with allied medics.
  3. I don't bunny hop. I do move from side to side to make it harder to hit me though.
  4. What I meant was that the bullets going everywhere but where I want them to within that cone. There have been times that I've aimed at an enemy with the machine guns for the killing blow while on death's door myself, only to have most of my bullets wiz past them off to the side and die to them.
  5. I'm good with gun fighting, its just lag and the random spread that screw me.
  6. I once was able to form an alliance with the super civis, Save to say once I built up an expansion on the hill they came down from, I was untouchable.
  7. I was just playing Yuri's Revenge mod Reloaded and got done playing what I thought was a rather funny match. I was yuri and was playing a fan made tib sun map that had neutral nod buildings with hostile mutants everywhere against a Nod AI player. I had just fought my way through the mutants to the border of the enemy's base when I noticed that there were nine tib sun mammoth tanks and had decided to use them against the Nod AI by using master minds, three for each. Unfortunately one of the master minds mind controlled something on their way back to my base and died before it could make it to be repaired or scrap the thing it controlled. What made this match funny, was that the three mammoth tanks that were freed, drove off to the Nod base and began to siege it. The three of them had broken through the forward defense and while one of them died, the surviving two made it to elite by killing the Nod AI's harvesters.
  8. Agreed Pushwall. I mean, all you really have to do is get an engi into the room where her C4 is and gold wrench it while moving and jumping to minimize the damage you take until the C4 is gone now, if you're close to/in the building that you're about to lose. If you do lose it, at least you'd have a better chance killing the tanya nowadays since she doesn't just LOLRAEP the entire team that's on foot.
  9. That's probably the only saving grace you'd have against a tanya rush.
  10. And this was in the pre-Delta days where Tanya couldn't even use a supply truck to get more C4 in the field, she was stuck with the 1 C4 she had (or in some versions, 2 C4 which both had to be used to take out 1 building anyway). Yeah, I remember those days as well. And if you were REALLY unlucky, some would escape and try again with more of them. So not only did you have to run like chickens with their heads cut off trying to defend your base, but there was always the possibility of having a second, or sometimes even THIRD wave of Tanya/Meds coming to beat your ass red once more.
  11. I normally don't do things like this, but I think it's warrented this time. As I've said before, Tanya in the earlier days was OP against ALL infantry, with the possible exception of a soviet sniper. She used to kill infantry just as easily as you suggested, but when a rush of five of them came at you from an APC or popped out of medium/light tanks, there's only so much you can do to stop them before one of them takes at lease one building out. I've actually seen a multi-Tanya rush take out an entire soviet base with just one attempt.
  12. Okay, here's my two cents on some maps I find bad in some ways. F.o.I: I find this map to be fun quite a bit, but I'd like some variety as to what you could spawn as. Or maybe add a barracks/outpost that would be used to change classes based on what you earned. Though nothing above tech level 1. It also tends to last a little too long in my opinion. Rocktrap: This map, while nice and unique with exploding barrels, tends to drag on or seem too one sided when there are quite a few players. Not to mention that the abundant brush makes it hard to see anything without using the hit box of your target or getting the high ground, which is similar to painting a big 'SHOOT ME!' sign and holding it above your head.
  13. So... previously you said we only need one server, but here you are apparently playing on a private server. And previously you asked for leaderboards - which are in progress otherwise where would I be getting my stats? - but you also play on a separate and private server, which would have to have separate stats that are meaningless to the developer because they're not reflective of a less "scripted" game where anyone can join, or no stats at all. And you expect me to rebalance the game based on a tiny insular tribe that refuses to mingle with the main player base. Am I the only one seeing how bullshit all this is? Yeah that's a thing with the W3D engine. if teams are even, it always places a new joiner on the team that's doing worse because that is most likely the team that needs help to balance it out. If teams are uneven, it always places a new joiner on the smaller team because that is most likely the team that needs help to balance it out. That's how it is with every other game on this engine. While that can be "fixed" with a server that enables manual teaming, that just encourages people to stack teams, which is even worse. I'm guessing that's what your private server does - how else is it magically free of the joining the weaker side "problem"? So I'll be taking your experiences on it with an even smaller grain of salt than I already was. Wow it's almost like splitting the player base means there's less people on each server My thoughts exactly Pushwall. Maybe its almost time for the funnies group to get its second member?
  14. This was true for a time, but then the allied team would just mass tanyas and move in to C4 rape the soviet base as any infantry that tried to stop them would be gunned down with little effort. Especially after a demo or a flare went off in the base to clear it of mines.
  15. I think it'd be worth looking into just to see if what pushy wanted to do with the MRJ is feasible at all or just a pipe dream.
  16. You know, I recall something from vanilla Renagade campaign that the Nod comm centers would jam your radar until you destroyed it.
  17. I'd say that kick was well deserved, and if he does it again, slap him upside the head with a ban hammer for a few days.
  18. I remember that V2 rush.I was acting as not only as a v2, but as the first meat shield of the ground.
  19. Ugh, that round was absolutely terrible. Sometime after you stole my minelayer and plopped those mines down in ore field, I figured "ok well, there's probably no more AT mines so I should go mine that tunnel entrance". Nope. *BAM* one minelayer down. "Okay, well, NOW there's probably no more mines" so I bought another minelayer to go do the same thing. *BAM* two minelayers down. THEN I bought an engineer and a third minelayer, went over there, saw one blue X on the radar...but also a blue dot in the tunnel signifying a Tanya. "No time to waste, must stop that Tanya now...and I can probably drive around that last remaining mine". *BAM* three minelayers down. Also, you didn't just nail a demo truck, you got two. I bought a demo, drove towards tunnel, but heard combat ahead so I turned around...a teammate behind me also with a demo did the same thing. Then...MAD TANK DEPLOYED. "Huh? Did someone deploy MAD in tunnel?" Thought about turning back to base to get out of blast radius, or just sell demo, but then someone says "MAD in base". So then I drove towards bridge (where the hedgehogs were) to avoid my demo blast hitting our own base, while the other demo driver I think tried to go around the long way. Pretty sure I didn't take anything down with me when my demo blew, but the other guy's demo killed our Tesla Coil...although that didn't matter much since our power plant was already dead. Wow...I knew I was causing trouble, but not to that extent.
  20. Oh Silverlight, if only you'd played the next round of complex. Stole a pair of MADs as a spy and activated them right as they rolled of the assembly line. Second one nailed a demo halfway to the allied base. Was too busy to screen shot it though.
  21. I like that Alstar. We should keep that added.
  22. I remember that bug...and I'm sure anyone whose played back in those days has been guilty of exploiting it one time or another. Myself included.
  23. Is this what players do in their spare time during their assured victory? Throwing C4 on each other and driving off cliffs?
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