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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. Well, having some of the damage points/cash be converted into kill points/cash is kind of a reward in that your enemy gets less points/cash as long as you manage to stay alive.
  2. In fact, to compensate for this I may even get rid of the cap on cash rewards entirely (currently $120 for any combat infantry costing over $600, and $240 for any vehicle costing over $1200). Since Soviets make use of more expensive units this means Allies generally get more out of this as long as they don't send phase tanks into suicide. And non-combat vehicles will get the same halved reward as non-combat infantry so demos/MADs won't suddenly be instant ore dumps by themselves.
  3. I'm not reducing it so much as splitting it into damage cash/kill cash like I am with points - which benefits the Allies more since it means things being repaired by Mechanics will bleed less money and their vehicles are more capable of retreat so they die less.
  4. I'm also thinking of nerfing the combat cash system, as that could also be helping Soviets get way too much money.
  5. Well, V2s go slower in reverse at least, and that's on account of using wheeled vehicle physics. Tracked vehicles can't go slower in reverse - at least not noticeably so from what I've seen; some like the MRJ go maybe 0.1m/s slower in reverse (so basically no difference), which may be attributed to magical rigging quirks that I don't understand (the MRJ does have a pretty odd rigging after all). Wheeled physics would not only make no sense on the Soviet tanks but would prevent them from turning on the spot - a huge problem when the Mammoth is the only one with a 360 turret.
  6. Build time is tied to the factory, not the unit. And then you lose because you feed so many points to enemies by constantly repairing. The Soviet lead in games won by high score is way larger than games won by base destruction so this is actually a thing I'm pretty sure. Really what I need to do is divide vehicle points into kill points and damage points again instead of having them all be damage points, so that "unintelligent" Mechanic use doesn't hamper the team too much. And before anyone mentions having mechanics actually get points for repairs, that opens up a whole new avenue of abuse on any map that has deep water. I've been meaning to figure out some more useful plans for this guy for a while. Perhaps we can turn this thread into, or create a new one for, devising more useful things for the Spy to do? And another support unit you didn't bring up, but after seeing some large games, I'm going to adjust: MRJs won't be able to be stolen by the enemy when deployed anymore, just like Rebarn's deployables.
  7. Infantry move roughly the speed of a mammoth anyway (all somewhat faster when sprinting, all slightly slower when not except Volkov/Grenadier/Starshina who tie it). If all they have to worry about is mines and LB they can just run alongside or behind it and not get left behind. If there are artillery or snipers too... well that's just one more reason to actually use those units, one of whom has trouble contributing unless the Soviets are pinned in their base and the other has trouble contributing period!
  8. The M79 is also not a Russian weapon. The only Russian grenade launcher I can find from before the 1990s that isn't an RPG or an underbarrel rifle attachment is this: http://modernfirearms.net/grenade/rus/ags-17-e.html Which looks absolutely not like something one man should be lugging around and firing from the hip, even more so than the PKM. Jeez.
  9. TSR only has bots on the map TS_Drought_Bots. If you want to specifically play that map rather than have it be randomly selected for you (which seems to have happened first out of pure chance) play LAN mode instead of skirmish (aka "multiplayer practice").
  10. Maybe the Captain could have enough of a boost to his exterior damage that it can't be ignored, but obviously still noticeably worse than the LAW? If Rangers, APCs and Hinds can have noticeable exterior damage then I don't see why not, and they are a unit whose Allied incarnation is much better so it wouldn't be much of a boost to the Soviets... The LAW already has greater DPS output than the Grenadier's grenades and people were never using the Grenadier when they were asking "why don't I just use an RPG since it does more damage?", so if Allied grenadiers were weaker they'd probably see little use outside of medic teams, but if they were stronger... well you know. And unlike the Grenadier the Captain can do things besides shoot buildings so this specialization being mediocre is a non-issue. Plus he's traceable and becomes hopeless if he's forced to bunnyhop around sniper fire - Grenadiers sadly lack accuracy penalties currently because C4 logic precludes that.
  11. While I've been considering the idea of an Allied grenadier for real, since Allies are really hurting for more than 1 infantry that can actually hurt buildings from outside and I really feel like RA1's infantry balance would have made more sense if they were Allied and not Soviet, I feel Allied grens would get even more hate than the current Soviet ones since they could be combined with medics. Like with your ranger analogy and how Soviet rangers were axed from every TL3+ map (except Metro where Soviets need the help) because of the whole idea of shockrangers/kovrangers.
  12. Excuse me, Mackintoke is clearly one (or both) of the Hammerhead drivers
  13. Just a question, if I go with merging the two units - should the "RPGrenadier" keep the RPG Trooper's faded brown livery, or the Grenadier's classic yellow one? I feel the RPG trooper's colours fit better with the tone of the game, plus they're closer to what you see in the RA sidebar cameo, but I don't know how much Yellowdier nostalgia rates among you guys
  14. An alternative version of "Not A Grenadier" could be to keep the pistol, give the RPG its arc back, and swap the RPG-7 model with the grenade model - so he'd still behave exactly like the RPG Trooper, he'd just look like a grenadier (and retain the advantage of stealthy projectiles, which would probably be less OP with the RPG's stats). That'd be odd though because the frag grenades would suddenly be anti-tank and very poor at anti-personnel (and making them good at AP too would break the balance again and render the shock trooper and flamethrower kinda pointless). And then the RPG model would go to waste unless it becomes the new AA launcher, displacing the unmodeled Strela, which would also be odd. This and AT grenades would likely confuse a lot more people too.
  15. So here's a trial run of "RPG Trooper With Limited Beta Grenades" They might appear to have some overlap with the RPG itself since they're a splash weapon that's difficult to directly hit infantry with and actually have damage dropoff now just like all the other non-Tesla splash - but they still retain decently high splash damage and a better rate of fire than the RPG. If I go this route, I might differentiate them further from the RPG by giving projectile extents to make them easier to get direct hits with, but drastically reducing the direct hit damage. Which would help out in a firefight. If you're sneaking up on someone unsuspecting and trying to one-shot them you might as well just use your infinite-ammo, higher-velocity weapon for that
  16. Melee weapons simply do not play well in this engine (see also: Chameleon Spy) hence why I only restricted them to a joke map and something else that is pretty close to a joke map. Smoke grenades... when I joined the APB dev team I was playing with the idea of a smoke shell secondary for the Artillery. Chaos might remember this. It wasn't well received among the testers, possibly because performance really takes a dive when there are a bunch of particles pressed up against the screen, and possibly also from the teamhampering applications since particles don't discriminate between teams. It eventually got recycled for Lunar Paradox in the form of the Flour Tank since it toes the lines of trollish, OP and unsuitable for the maingame And, well, Soviets are already dominating most maps in anything resembling a player count, and they already have AP mines, why give them rebranded AT mines too? I'm still missing why this was not a problem with Betakov...
  17. And thanks to the Grenadier, he actually is that now instead of "master of artillery and jack of everything else" which doesn't roll off the tongue as well You completely missed the point - it's not that the Sergeant and Flamethrower have similar roles, but that both of these units are sharing their similar roles with different aspects of Volkov's cannon and it wasn't considered sacrilege when they did it, nor was this a concern when Gamma introduced the $300 AT Cannon, yet when the Grenadier becomes a Kovtillery (and not even current Kovtillery, but Beta Kovtillery since it has untraceable projectiles and decent damage to buildings and infantry) he's "not unique enough"...
  18. Neither are the Starshina or Flamethrower because Volkov master-of-nones all these units (plus RPG Trooper's anti-ground role) into one but apparently that's not a problem? Part of the reason the Grenadier is the way he is now was to make Volkov an actual master of none, instead of combining jack-of-all-trades combat and greatest survivability among infantry with also being the best on-foot artillery by virtue of being the only one in existence.
  19. Nothing says the grenades couldn't just be weaker than before. And since the grenades would replace the Makarov, they would be more suitable for some situations but less suitable for others.
  20. And considering that, running the math, a V2 direct hit does between 468 and 5625 damage to infantry depending on the hit location, and then up to 125 splash damage (both without armour, because snipers) against infantry with 75 health... I don't exactly think Totd was piggybacking off of anyone else's efforts.
  21. What if we were to merge the Grenadier and RPG Trooper into the same unit - so the RPG Trooper would be a "grenadier" by technicality of launching rocket-propelled grenades and also having frag grenades as a sidearm instead of the Makarov? To make these actually reliable against infantry they would be contact explosives again, but they wouldn't have a DPS or range advantage over the RPG against buildings. And they'd still be limited like the old Makarov. To compensate for the loss of the "mini Kovtillery" role, maybe the Flamethrower could have a little more range (still not outranging riflemen though) and exterior damage but less MCT damage (which are the Starshina/Shock's domain anyway)? Who's going to model this?
  22. It should be noted that I never designated myself as a commander and that all the proper "commanders" decided to all jump onto the same team, leaving our team with nobody to organise properly, which kinda defeats part of the point of a PUG. Hopefully this will not happen next time. Good games though!
  23. Send me your Twisted Metal 2 death sound please
  24. And they both use the cliff texture...
  25. Head hitboxes are wonderful aren't they? To make sure there's no weird infantry imbalances, all characters have the same hitbox layout and size. (Except when I accidentally fail to export them properly i.e. Grenadier/RPG for all of last year.) Thing is, a bunch of infantry models that got made around the Beta era - most of which are Allied ones - had taller heads and helmets than the old models. So back when I was rerigging all the infantry for Delta I saw 3 options: give the new infantry bigger head hitboxes to match their bigger heads - and since the newer models are almost all Allied, that's essentially an Allied infantry nerf that is hardly called for... have unified hitboxes that look correct for the new infantry, but result in the old infantry being able to be headshot by things that should fly over their head. have unified hitboxes that look correct for the old infantry, but result in the new infantry essentially having Helmets That Work because shots aimed too high don't hit. Which also means infantry head boxes aren't too big, helping out with Delta's mission of "make infantry great again". I felt the third option was best. Just aim for the face all the time and not the helmet Even after the helmet dink change, the heads/helmets aren't any bigger than before, the old head hitbox is just cut into two hitboxes that still take up the same area as before, so that it doesn't affect balance (since the helmets currently act identically to heads damage-wise). I could also take a look at the newer infantry models and make them a little shorter to be more accurate to the hitboxes.
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