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Everything posted by alphoca

  1. sorry im in vacation to play anything
  2. I agree with threve, except vehicle command all of them are rewarding for offense and not that game breaking
  3. @ FRAYDO The response for ur m0m
  4. 1) It takes less damage aganist a light tank waepon 2)Light tank weapon hits less aganist a mammy 1 Mammy alone is not that useful on field . But 3 mammies together is devastating aganist enemy , Longbows counter Mammies. Some vehicles utilize better on some maps and some dont . I personally do not think a "buff" you considered is needed.
  5. Sadge i missed the Game night , Silos looks very good so far and glad we are seeing progress in GZ!
  6. Try using Space and C key for making qucik turns at flying maybe that will be very helpful. Yak is in a good shape at the moment , in my opinion i do not think Yak needs any change , people who use it effectively (Ryknow and SilverShark) does good
  7. Oh...i mean...twitch is better for it...
  8. My loyalty to w3dhub stops when the matter is soveirginity of my ass and my dignity
  9. I am not starting an OnlyFans account
  10. I will shoop da whoop your ass @FRAYDO
  11. The timings are way off.. i will not care timings from now on since we live in different timezones...
  12. Also if we hanged Generalcamo , my next target would be Nodfan because Category would probably kill Mojo then tomorrow i would vote to kill Nodfan.
  13. Well this was fun and we were decieved. I suspected mojo from the first day , thats why i thought he was a mafia oh well sometimes shit happens. You learn from your mistakes. I was never good at town of salem (that stupid friendship breaking game) anyway . Is this from experience? I dont see a way counterclaiming a role the first one is right. from what i see in order to save himself Mojoman claimed cop which i thought it was suspicious from start. Also Generalcamo was on point there , me being Villager ( which i revaled too much on D1 ) I may be at fault here , but i dont believe mojo put a good case . that is just me though .
  14. That is up to you Jeod ,I don't think people will change their minds after this . @Retaliation You can't kill the Messiah.
  15. Yeah i am gonna side with Generalcamo here i have decided. (change) ##vote Mojoman
  16. From what i see , Generalcamo should have claimed at the time Mojo claimed , but Mojo claiming at the last minute sounded very suspicious and it made K_Y die. This lynch is very important , so if we dont lynch correctly today we will lose. Then again i think i revealed myself on my opinions that i am Town , so Generalcamo 's claim is right . I am Town. But Generalcamo should have claimed Cop claim yesterday, that was his mistake there . But he is defending this too hard, and he is showing emotion so what im seeing right now Generalcamo is in fact might be Cop. So i am gonna ##vote Generalcamo for now but im still very unsure about this , this day will definetly show who is gonna win or not.
  17. Alright i have restructured my thoughts @Shade939thanks for clearing that up i almost fucked up there @Killing_You Nodfan randomly tried to lynch you for no reason at all then you both tried to lynch each other with Mojo so given my previous thought ( Miller =Mafia and two vanilla mafia) Thats why i thought you were mafia , i changed my mind though. I will ##vote Mojoman because of that quote . But if he is not mafia when he dies (and with evidence what cop wrote) , i highly suspect both category and shade are mafia . They are agreeing with each other now.
  18. That changes my mind then let me think this through again . i thought they are shown us as Town instead of Mafia when they die.
  19. Special roles given are Miller , Mafia Doctor and Cop . There are two mafia and one miller ,one cop and one doctor. My suspicion that you three are special role , that can mean you are cop doctor miller or mafia. I dont think you guys are Cop , so i think therei s only one role left and that is Doctor. So out of 1 one of you is Doc and i think thats mojoman.That is why im nominating you to lynch. I dont know how my mentality should be on killing special roles( since im new and trying to learn ) on D1, but i have chosen this path thats how i want to go I dont know how im supposed to play it out because im new, But if you feel im targeting you just because i want to mess with you thats not true (i know you didnt say that but thats what i felt in the post ) i think i have legitimate reason to target you . its not i want to kill you just for my own amusement.
  20. Can you Eloborate on that @Killing_You?
  21. I disagree on cuthroatness that is actually showing pity unwilligness to win then again it might be a scheme to disguise yourself as a good guy and the Miller mastermind behind the scenes...
  22. I think K_Y , Nodfan and Mojo has special roles, Mojo is really excited so he might be Doc . Category is Town imho he waited for analyzing then talked straight . The one who never talks is Cop. I didnt follow up on Nodfan i just posted randomly . I said it before so im saying it now ##vote K_Y cuz i want K_Y die :D (im sorry K_Y ily )
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