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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Right now the problem is that we're misusing our forms. You're basically adding 1 attack power for 10 stam (twice) which is horrendous value. I'm doing the same for defense.
  2. 3 turns have passed. Vert is counting every time a player attacks as a full turn (or we would be on the bottom of turn 2 now).
  3. What I didn't account for was that voe would lose all his stamina before his next turn so my form just ate stamina for no point.
  4. In hindsight I overextended with my maneuver myself :v.
  5. It seems alright. Reduces chance of counter attack and your enemy is going to be so low that attacking back effectively will be hard. Voe's problem is he overextended his stamina so that I have an opening to attack back.
  6. ##Offensive ##Enlarge Force ##Shii-Cho Ward
  7. I think I'm beginning to understand. Do we use maneuvers and force actions in addition to our stances? I take it maneuvers are also infinite use (but drain more stamina compared to not using them).
  8. When I can't get Retaliation as a name, my second attempt is always Retailiation.
  9. Did you come up with Retail on your own voe or did you steal it from Allie29/Hylius ?
  10. It took me awhile but I think it's the bar between the two lightsabers on top. So mostly green with a hint of red.
  11. That has literally never* happened in the history of BHP mafia, and I was never party to those games that never happened. Voe vs me is probably a good test in the end, because I feel we've built our characters in very different ways. *lies
  12. I guess if cat5 wants to fight I can ask vert if we could do that instead.
  13. Spring semester starts for me next week so if I die I'll just be less distracted :v. Would be kind of lame to not see if my build is actually good though!
  14. But then you will not have challenged The Lord.
  15. Can you really say it's out of hand if no one has been stabbed with a lightsaber yet?
  16. I keep forgetting I signed up for this. I'd be up for a duel if cat5 declines Jeod.
  17. What are you talking about, Darth Chanka is an ancient and most terrible sith lord who knows nothing of this rainbow six.
  18. This game I ended up in a lot of what I feel like were WIFOM situations. How are you supposed to argue out of them?
  19. cAn No OnE ElSe SeE ThE CONectionS?! How was my fake roleclaim btw. I know it was bad, but just how bad? (I was going for i bug a person and it adds my second action to their action).
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