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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Wonderful, in addition to the endless rebellion-cult we now have rebels with NKs. I'll be in my quarters.
  2. Sorry Louis. As much as I'd like to, again my only stated objective is to eliminate the rebellion. Blame Verti.
  3. Should've just gone with Tanya The Evil. Genderswaps are lame.
  4. Snobby Anime Class President High School Girl is indeed a fine end boss. Too bad it's August.
  5. That lines up with my army management log. Thank you.
  6. I'll petition @VERTi60 again for faster phases.
  7. If more ask to sign up, they can, but I'll need a co-moderator if that's the case.
  8. I think I'll defer to my win condition over the advice of the guy who just invaded Sunflower's old stomping grounds.
  9. That's...kind of my wincon. To eliminate the rebellion.
  10. The independent army is greater than the rebel army currently, too.
  11. Thanks for giving confirmation that he isn't a rebel. He's also my new Hand. Say hi, Orange. @Category 5 Hurricane what was your first night action last night?
  12. Oh, in that case I wonder if it works like a cult and they all die when the leader dies. ##vote Louis For science.
  13. I knew you'd be playing given the theme.
  14. Looks like I'll be closing signups early! 13 players, good haul.
  15. There’s no need for phases this long anymore.
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