In this MCU mashup, heroes and villains come together to save the universe…or conquer it. After the Decimation, Thanos and the gauntlet have disappeared! The only clue is that the infinity stones are free for the taking, if you can wield them. But returning things to normal isn’t the pressing issue here—no, it seems some scum wish to take advantage of the chaotic situation and assert their dominance! This simply cannot stand.
Mafia must try to equal or exceed Town numbers. Town must eliminate all hostiles, which are defined as Mafia or Third Party alignment--one or both of these alignments may exist in this game. If any Neutral alignments exist, they must complete their own objectives but can decide whether to help any other alignments if the situation allows them to.
Day phases last 48 hours and always begin and end at 10:00PM GMT (6:00PM EDT for Americans). Night phases are similar, but only last 24 hours. During the Day, players talk amongst themselves and decide on who to lynch. It is, of course, possible to spare someone from the noose by voting NoLynch (##vote Nolynch or NoLynch). Players who vote for this twice in a row will be subject to a penalty and will be forced to vote for themselves the following day. There is no early hammer in this game. At the end of the day, the player with the majority vote will be lynched. In the event of a tie, a coin toss via will decide the player to be lynched.
Once the night phase begins, only two game-related posts are allowed. A penalty will be accrued for every game-related post that goes over this limit. Meta posts (for discussions that aren’t related to the game at hand) are allowed, but try not to go too far off-topic.
Additional rules
No quoting GM communication or other out of thread communication.
No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the GM.
No content-posts after death unless allowed by the GM. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered.
Don't try to break the game. No sillyness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example.
"Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it.
Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points.
No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and noone should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't.
If you signed up for a Mafia Game, you're expected to participate actively. It's up to a GM to setup a minimal post quota for each player so that the game won't get hampered by inactive players. If you know you won't be able to play for more than one day, it is your responsibility to let the GM know in advance.
Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example.
Don't edit your posts in game thread. Make a second post and preface it with "Mafia Edit:" to show it's a continuation or correction of a previous post.
Infinity Stones
Some of you have started the game with one of these infinity stones. Each of them have two actions associated with them, and although you can choose not to use them, if you do use them then they must be passed in the same night. If you don't...well, you'll find out.
Current Vote Count: