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Everything posted by shaitan
It's true, it does not work very well. The aiming is way off, and is better with the default dual dots.
Nice bump, fgd56. Having said that: No, Roz, that reticle is shit for mammoths(my main is the mammy). It works really good with helies, though.
I don't believe in coincidence(s); it's definitely someone who reads all of our forums. They decided to hit the one they didn't do once previously. Attack away, dingleberry, that one isn't important in a playercount aspect.
That guy was the one who's been flooding RenX and parts of W3D(TT servers). It stopped after we got the right settings for the firewalls, then he went back to hitting RenX more after that. I prefer him to not, thank you very much. You weren't just now joking; you were pissed that I didn't unmute you yesterday. Yeah, Dblaney did rework Siege, and we added it. Maybe it was a goodwill sort of thing.
We'll be having a tribute server setup this coming weekend("Wyld's Cookies", or something on the MPF servers). There's no hard date as of yet, but it'll be between April 24th-27th. The topic for any info/changes will be here. If you plan to show up and need help with your Renegade setup; just let one of us know, so we can help. irc.multiplayerforums.com / irc.rencorner.com / irc.exoduscommunity.com
Moderation Banned for RGH/ESP on October 30th?
shaitan replied to Guard55's topic in Bans & Complaints
Believe it or not, but anyone who's been playing before/after 4.0 knows that the stealth effects do these things. You can't "recreate" it once or twice and call it a day. The video clearly shows darius jumping around like a madman. -
Moderation Banned for RGH/ESP on October 30th?
shaitan replied to Guard55's topic in Bans & Complaints
RGH does not work with scripts 4.0+(not one that's been released as 0x90 doesn't play anymore). The way darius is jumping around will get him seen(they "flash"). After scripts 4.0 came out you can see sbh easier when they are: hugging walls and jumping. As an sbh you do not want do either of those. As a stealth tank you stay away from walls as well. It did have its ups though; the old core patch problem of non-cp users seeing sbh doesn't apply anymore. Mrls will 6 lock them on occasion. Staying cloaked while scoped and/or scoped-walking is a thing every one of you can do. If a server runs Dragonade; it's even easier with the radio keys. Last enemy shot uses the blue bind-lock icon when you radio it, which 1/2 of the time gives away said sbh above their heads. -
Actually, that happens a lot in Rencorner, too. P.S. The end goal is drama.
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
Goddamnit, Pushwall. I had a scathing reply to him, and was just about to post until I seen you say who he was. Nevermind that then, knowing who he is, how he understands nothing even with being slapped in the face with an encyclopedia series. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
My responses after your post, Einstein will be in that pm. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
That's not the point Jonwil, you can replace your own name with his. That's why I said "stupid shit rolls downhill", because it'll never end. *Edit* Just to be clear, when I was talking about zunnie and scripts, I was referring to Apex, not W3D. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
That has nothing to do with any of this right now, Dblaney. From what I seen, they went back to D3 maps well before the day I yelled at you and KTFF when finding out about this whole Launcher thing. That is a whiny thing by the way, the "I'm the dev, get rid of my stuff after it's been on here for ages and I'm leaving". It can also be said that you should get rid of every single script you have that zunnie made, considering MPF was zunnie(stupid shit rolls downhill after that). Did you notice him throwing a fit all the times he left and tearing that server/community apart? It's the main reason people like me think the way they do; I've been through that, and have also scrapped a few mods and went back to pre-them. Community comes first. Period. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
OWA, I do not know of any other way other than allowing the whole Renegade community to be on that. Anything else gives whatever lone server on it an unfair advantage(that is the crux of the problem: you guys do not see it as such with any amount of reasoning/proof I've given by your own words). You're putting a solution on us for a situation we didn't create, nor even know how to fix other than what I've said since my first post(last sentence) from October. Short term: blocking it. Promoting: My question to you; why would you promote a whole other game(how would you, and how would you think we could help?), when they will round-aboutedly go into Apex? Why wouldn't you just cut out the middle man(Renegade) and have them go directly into Apex? That's why I find that odd, it makes no sense to me. You know why I am not going to advertise like my guys said, it'd be depressing to watch it go on. Long term: all or none on it. Sometimes, OWA, the easiest solutions are the best. If you did that, there wouldn't even be a problem and people that come after us down the road would also be on equal footing. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
You know what we want OWA; equal footing(we cannot do that part). We all can go back to ignoring everything, it's mostly worked out(minus some things). Just don't pretend to people that RC & MPF had no legitimate rational reason for blocking it("didn't appreciate the competition that we brought into their space"), when you know full well the cause/effect. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
We cannot fix a thing, that part was always on you guys. You enabled all of this, I did not nor how to. We have 2 developers left in Rencorner, one is Whitedragon, the other is Blacky. WD has been afk for the better part of a year(minimum), Blacky comes and goes. The only thing I could do was keep people from freaking out. "I just want to also take this opportunity to ask that you please refrain from venting these issues in public." You posted calling us out, I would've gladly kept to myself as I have been. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
It isn't 'MPF vs W3d', that's your problem Jeod. It's you guys screwing Renegade over all. His comment was 17 hours before I posted, not 17 months("stop! stop! it's already dead"). If you want it to be dead so you can go back to whatever sand your head is buried in; then stop bringing it up and lying about how it went down. -
Attention The State of the mods, but also our communities.
shaitan replied to LiamGriever's topic in W3D Hub Discussion
You're right, this last year has been bad. What you guys did to us screwed us beyond repair in Renegade. You did not do one thing to fix what you broke, you never had the intentions to do so. If you think that I cannot spot a person(s) who is doing nothing but dangling false hope(while others shoot it down at the same time), then you must think I have not been on this earth for very long. You guys had 2+ months from the start of it all to the block to do something that did not involve you covering your asses legally. Do not think for one second that I do not know about some chats that were had between you guys and dblaney that required Apex to be listed on both platforms as a prerequisite(and only it joinable/visible from both). I was upfront with you guys, I gave you 2 aces-up-my-sleeve that I could've easily used against you to shut that thing down asap. I waited, and got my guys to not flip out. I didn't make it that public beyond (I think) 2 shoutbox posts refuting 2 ignorant people running their mouths. I gave you guys factual proof of what that modded server-dipping-from-renegade-and-only-allowed-on-w3d-platform was doing to us, when it started, how many players it had prior to its W3d Launcher start date, and how no matter what: the two remaining renegade servers could not compete with a launcher from an entirely different community getting that startup player boost that we cannot compete with(unless we advertise outside of Renegade, which I refuse to do, just to watch them filter into there). You were right about one thing OWA: EA does not give two shits about old games, I tried repeatedly to get them to make Renegade freeware. I didn't know about the block until I got home that night, but that isn't me putting blame on someone else. I agreed with it, but was also telling my guys and MPF to wait and not block each time it was brought up. That was hope, even though I knew you wouldn't care about the rest of the community(if you had, none of this would have happened). You didn't care about XP users for scripts 5.0(most from outside of Europe/USA) until I showed you proof that they still exist. I know what the repercussions of all this could lead to, I told you I was prepared for those: 1.Do you remember what I said about MPF and Rencorner would merge to keep Renegade alive? That's in the works game server-wise, and if it comes to it it'll happen. That right there should tell you something, after our history, that we'll put aside any differences and trust one another(individuals and administrations). 2. Scripts builds, I know who started working on those. I also know if it came to it it'd take some time, but if we had to we'd get everyone to revert their scripts: it'd be done(just like how we got the majority to start using Renlist). I know developers throw fits, I've been dealing with that for 15 years in other games besides the ones on the Renegade engine. -
Einstein: TemporaryName is referring to me. *edit* Sorry, didn't post that yet, been flipping all over talking and other things at home + did not want to post the reply to Jeod, I've re-written it 5 times(idk how it would've been taken) That was from the heated times in here lastnight if you recall. I asked it to be undone when I got home at 5pm Eastern US. People aren't around or replied yet. I had that all typed out, but did not want to inflame things after db posted the "patch" thing. **editedit** I think that part was undone 20 minutes ago.
We don't have the stock maps put into the resource manager, that way newbies(and those who come back years later needing help) are able to join. So, that might be why. That's one player/mod/admin debate over the years we can't budge on: getting rid of stock maps.
I had been friends with zunnie way longer than most, so yes I believe I have that right. Considering he's the one who trained me and I trained the majority of the renegade moderators over the years with his ideals. Not to mention the personal aspect of things. I know he was screwed over here, we talked about that before. When I brought him up it was when I asked you if this is what you did to him as well. I was not hostile until you guys kept at it with the non-caring.
That may be a thing in your case Chop, but it isn't in this. From my standpoint I see it as being used and slapped in the face and being told to like it. I know what abusers are Chopbam, I've had my own IRL and have stayed single on account of it for 10 years. I'll test more tonight on the direct connecting...as that is no standalone game if it is able to join renegade servers. You guys are fixated on that, I've already showed you screenshot/cell pic that it is possible using those exe/paths. A lot of you can test it yourselves since you have the game(or did). The Renlist thing you mentioned wouldn't be a bad idea, OWA. You probably thought I would have said the opposite? Think about why I would say that...people would intermingle and this whole thing would be moot...it'd be like what I mentioned with competition between servers. *edit* The downside of doing that is the trust thing, after making this topic I kind of don't trust you to care about what's best for Renegade. After seeing the replies even before I got pissy lastnight.
Chopbam: so does you guys using the services my community has paid for years and then doing this to us. OWA: Your APB servers have showed on gsa for years. As of lastnight I do not know.
Would you like me to let as many Renegade players know what's going on so they can have their own say here? I like the pollings ingame, myself, as it is more accurate than from a forum. Forum polls/discussions have the tendency to be backasswards as to what 'players' want. Democracy after hearing pros and cons of what is at stake, since you reminded me I am the only one here. The reason I haven't so far was because this will turn into a gigantic shithow. You know, and I kno, that Ren & APB players are like oil and water. Which is why it's just me right now posting. If you stop and think about that and the fact that I have been the only one from our respective communities posting...you might come up with the conclusion that we're on the same page regarding this. Whether you think so or not, I'd rather see my community die and we merge with MPF/Exodus than see this come to pass of Renegade losing all their players to a ren that gets advantages and locks out people. Also, on the stealing thing: db did that to RC once upon a time with regards to our custom weaps that Blacky made and ported from Ren Demo calling them "his creation". So, I believe MPF after seeing their proof.
Wallywood, out of everyone posting here, Danpaul has been the only one to see the other side of the issue.That is one reason why I said what I did when you all have acted like it does not matter(already said the other). There zero way our Ren servers can compete with this latest change, and you know it. You can get angry with me and turn it all onto me, that's fine, from experience you know I can take it(plus I am still here after everyone else turned away from Ren). You can stab me in the back, that's fine too. How often have any of you personally helped me out with any issues over the years? I know I've helped yours out without wanting a thing in return.
I am that server owner, and that big file is from our remade sound system(mostly inside brenbot nowadays), and custom maps/weps. Probably could clean that out better, but, if it isn't broke we don't fix it.