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der Papst

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Everything posted by der Papst

  1. MSA detects Nod's stealth units, not spies. And Mines at the entrance of buildings don't stop spies from placing beacons at the roof. Even if you manage to mine all entrances to your base without blowing the limit, they only need one spy with a repair tool to disarm them. I've seen only once a protection against spies: A Nod-Team at file facility had completely surrounded their PP with barriers built by pioneers. But it would have also prevented them from repairing it if Tanks would have attacked PP. You already invalidated those arguments yourself: There are maps where money is nearly unlimited. The maps you enlisted are exactly those where it happens most of the time. I'm also against reducing the money on those maps since it allows also enourmous battles with very expensive tanks, battleships, having all upgrades,... Taking all those away to allowing some people playing an more-than-OP unit is bullshit. Players might not be in range to get it in time, might have no repair tool. It needs at least a specialized countermeasure for spies, how about introducing RA's guard dogs? For example allowing pioneers to build a dog house which spawn a dog killing the spy when in range. If you still think, spies are not OP only because of their price, just revoke the ezek nerf, make it ignored by AGT and other defences and make it 5000 credits.
  2. Since a few weeks, every ~3rd battle on maps with many resources ends like this: if Nod is defending well, GDI starts spamming Spies and the whole Nod-team has to decide between stop attacking at all and looking for those stupid OP spies or loosing building after building to OP-units just walking in your base, being ignored by all defenses including the obelisk and placing beacons. Once a spy killed the active obelisk with a beacon. The spy is the most OP unit ever seen in this game, just give GDI the OP-Sidam of last patch back and remove this bullshit. I've seen battles where half of GDI or even more played as spy. This game had many very OP units, but they got nerfed quick or even immediately. So why not the spy? This is by far not the first complaint about them, and Nod has nothing comparable. At least make the MSA detect them, leading to the defs killing them. I'm playing IA since I've discovered it ~2 years ago, but I'm seriously thinking about not playing anymore until this fucking OP unit has been nerfed or removed at all. Edit: The same discussion about a very similar problem already took place when suicide rushes have been a problem: dynamite-suggestions. A quote from Threve: The difference this time: Spies don't take out a secondary defense, they take out a main building.
  3. After more than one year of silence: Got this project abandoned in such a progressed state?
  4. And please don't nerf it into uselessness again. The Sidam at 1800creds and not very much armor should kill infantry and low/medium armored stuff in seconds. The only problem is its ability to do the same with heavy armor.
  5. I have a suggestion based on this: In vanilla Renegade, you can't enter locked vehicles and get an error message while in IA, you are moved to the Gunner's seat. It would be great if you could expand this to the following: If the driver's seat is empty, the gun should be controlled by the gunner. So every player could use locked vehicles to shoot enemies, repair buildings,... And the lock would still prevent other players from driving away and even more important selling your vehicle as a person very well known to the mods likes to do (I think he finally got ban-hammered because i didn't see him in the last week) Edit: If the owner enters the driver's seat, the gun control should return to him.
  6. All Nod stealth vehicles are detected by primary Def (AGT), even by some secondary def (Comanche is detected by the capturable Flak, Def built by pioneers also shoots Nod stealth units). The important difference is: It is not possible to plant automated defense against spies, also the default def (obelisk,...) is useless: the smaller a Nod-team is, the more OP spies are. In vanilla Renegade, this has never been possible for units you can simply buy. And expensive is no argument here, at maps with refinary both teams have more money than they can spend. In original C&C, spies could be countered automated with guard dogs. Even MSAs don't lead to spies getting shot by defense. Allowing such an OP infiltrator to plant beacons or building-killing explosives results in the most OP unit ever seen in this game - the 1400creds Nod SSM heatseeking orcas was a joke against this. And mines aren't a sufficient countermeasure because you don't have to plant beacons in buildings. Speaking of OP units: The current SIDAM kills more expensive dedicated anti-tank vehicles in 1 on 1 encounters.
  7. Nope, it can't be built at all. At least not on the winter map with the dams. The small icon at the side is there but you can't switch to it, only the 3 other vehicles appear alternating
  8. When attacking Hover MRLS, their big and dense explosion animation makes aiming at them 50% of time nearly impossible because you see only fire on your screen Combined with their speed, mag-size and short reload time, this is a serious disadvantage for vehicles with slow, "ballistic" projectiles requiring good aiming.
  9. Is the "36" in 36 inch a typo? While its twin cannon looks like a normal naval gun (16 inch?) , 36 inch would be ~900mm, nearly twice the shell diameter of Yamato's main armament and even bigger than the "Schwerer Gustav" Railway Cannon (800mm/31 inch). Are you going to add even more ground and air vehicles?
  10. Lutris is now supported too: https://lutris.net/games/w3d-hub-launcher/
  11. There seem to be some kind of DDOS going on at the moment. All players on Apex had horrible pings (>300ms)
  12. There were rumors yesterday about the operator of Renlist (an MPF Member) banning the server from Renlist because MPF and Rencorner are being jealous about Interim's player numbers
  13. I've found 3 ways to do it: Lutris: https://lutris.net/games/w3d-hub-launcher/ The winetricks-way ( recommended for experienced users only ) Create a new prefix Use winetricks to install dotnet 4.6.1 run the w3dhub-installer in the prefix run w3dhub in the prefix. wine3.1 worked well The PlayOnLinux-way ( more comfortable ) Install PlayOnLinux (you can find it usually in your distribution's sources, for example "sudo apt-get install playonlinux" on Debian, (K)ubuntu,...) Download the latest w3dhub-installer and the attached script( w3d and dependencies tested.polscript )(store both anywhere you like, just remember where) Open PlayOnLinux, go to tools -> run local script and select the attached script. The script tells you what it currently does - but you have to click next whenever possible (pls give me feedback if you would prefer a "silent" installation. I did this for debugging-purposes and just didn't change it) When the install script asks for the setup file, select it After the w3dhub-installer finished, create a shortcut to the w3dhub-launcher Please give me feedback about this guide and just ask if you have problems I've played Interim Apex with PlayOnLinux >25 hours now, without any problems, A Path Beyond procudes crashes quite often. (I'm also trying to create an official PlayOnLinux-installer without local scripts, but their script for dotnet4.5 doesn't work with wine 3.1)
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