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Renardin last won the day on July 7 2013

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About Renardin

  • Birthday 04/13/1981

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  • 2D Texture Artist

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  1. Are you just trolling at this point? knowing the time I invested on this mod, your question sounds like an insult. Not trolling at all. Renegade X is composed of my old staff, if they don't make the switch I will just give them all the source material of the mod to make it happen then. Feel free to release your personal textures if you'd like. But you do not have permission to release models or any other assets that you didn't make. You and many of those other team members you are referring to quit the mod team awhile ago and I have the "I quit" post to prove it. I've also been talking to one of the main guys on the Renegade X team about a possible joint project, so if you'd like to come over and threaten us then I will point him to your thread post and explain why our plans aren't going to work. don't worry, nice chat with you yesterday
  2. Are you just trolling at this point? knowing the time I invested on this mod, your question sounds like an insult. Not trolling at all. Renegade X is composed of my old staff, if they don't make the switch I will just give them all the source material of the mod to make it happen then.
  3. You should move to UDK. Stop wasting time on this engine.
  4. Have it but not available till mid september. (moving to a new house, to much work to do about that for now)
  5. well I guess I will have to make some more texture some day... anyway, aren't we moving all this to Ren X ?
  6. I have those files and they are on the staff ftp also and on some maps already.
  7. Saberhawk lost his source but it seems he will make it again for another release, thank god (or Saberhawk, they are the same to me)
  8. Dream machine ... I would love to have tri-screen setup. But my office is too small for it.
  9. ;p Even when we had reflects on water, PT with tons of animation, I never had any fps issues. (16 Go DDr3, Core i7 950, GTX 580... and now core i7 3820 and GTX 680. and I didn't need 2000$ to get this) Some old videos to show it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4uh7tlVFz4 And god, I miss that water effect so much!
  10. The work has been done a long time ago (2007). Not sure if the files are still available but I think we have those.
  11. You may be right. It's crazy how complete CNC Reborn looked way back in 2006. My respect goes out to all the people who put effort in this mod since it was started around Renegade's release. As it changes hands and less info of it emerges I know it has a long history of work in it and it was great way back then even with its flaws. I'd definately want to do video game commentaries on this mod and help make models for it but I am unsure about the mod's current health behind the scenes. I definately think this mod needs its own forum theme and promotional material by the way. =) There's not many mods I'd be willnig to work on. Right now this is the only one. But yeah if I don't seem to be up to par with what they need I fully understand. I'm hesitent myself. It looked complete with 6 vehicles ? I need fans like you Anyway, I am sort of back for the texture work on weapons, props, vehicles and infantry.
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