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Everything posted by danpaul88

  1. Country bonuses will be in, but not in the first release
  2. for an early version of the vehicle AI. There are probably a few other videos floating around too
  3. AR has had an AI infantry map since before we even came to BHP and recruited the first batch of testers. There are currently two AI maps, an infantry only AI map with rare vehicle drops (also AI) and the all out mayhem map testing grounds (but this probably won't actually ship in the game itself, possibly separately for lols) As a tester you should already know this of course
  4. What we AREN'T going to do is leave the player helplessly watching the AI / another player control their character. We decided long ago that would be the most epically boring thing ever for the victim and make Yuri effectively just a trolling unit. Last time we discussed it (a long time ago) the general consensus was that "mind controlled" units would respawn the player and create a bot from their "dead" character that will follow Yuri around. But we haven't thought about it in a while and it won't be in R1 anyway.
  5. We're fixing some bugs with the disruptor projectile logic before we ship the new patch.
  6. The Wolverines problems actually stem from having a massive spray angle and really slow projectiles, both of which are fixed for the next patch. The engine currently has extremely poor support for dual muzzles set either side of center, they won't attempt to aim "inwards" to shoot things closer to it and if you angle the actual model then you have an X shaped firing path where you can only hit things if you are the EXACT right distance from them, too close or too far away and the bullets won't connect, so that'd work really badly.
  7. The range has been nerfed, check the patch notes So now they should have to actually get in range of return fire to do any damage
  8. This only applies when deployed, not when they are driving around in general. Currently deploying makes you a sitting duck with no obvious advantages (although it does already increase firepower and armour, it doesn't currently improve them enough to compensate for being a shell magnet due to being incredibly easy to hit) Why were you wandering around in the middle of the construction bay? There are no doors back there, there's no reason to be walking there in the first place Also the GDI WF has arms that move around when building things, not sure about the Nod one... This is nothing to do with the game, it's the way the bot is setup. !d is not a standard command in the bot and nobody got around to adding it as an alias apparently.
  9. I just hope we actually release it sometime this decade...
  10. We've redesigned the grizzly tank far too many times already, it's not going to change at this point since it's already unwrapped, textured, rigged and working ingame. We'll never release it if we keep redesigning everything every 5 months.
  11. Walkers will always suffer from a jittery reticule because the muzzle bone bounces up and down as the vehicle walks. They work best if you stand still to fire, or aim at big things that are hard to miss.
  12. currently the turret ai has a stealth detect flag that is on or off. we could make it a stealth detect range instead I suppose...
  13. The Wolverine used to shoot from it's arm cannons with tracers but we found during testing they basically couldn't hit infantry because people would aim with the reticule, which is actually a dead spot between the two firing points so zero bullets hit the target.. if you tried to aim with one arm cannon then only 50% of your shots would be hitting home and you'd be constantly guessing how much offset you need on the reticule to be "aiming" at the (moving) enemy infantry with the arm cannon. So we change it to shoot from it's chest, the same way the AR Sentry Gun and Pillbox actually shoot from the centre point between the two visual guns (since the AI literally CANNOT offset it's aim to compensate for off centre muzzles, as we found during testing...)
  14. there's a reason it has no tracers... it actually shoots from its chest so the tracers would look stupid...
  15. It's highly unlikely, custom infantry skeletons require a massive amount of work and we're struggling to find enough people to create the normal infantry we need with existing skeletons.
  16. Yup, you can teleport back home as the Chronominer, just press.... Q! The same as Reborns special unit abilities! See what we did there?
  17. I've fixed an issue with the web backend that was requiring a login to download the game, you should be able to download it without logging in from now on. Sorry for the inconvenience, see you ingame soon!
  18. Apparently the guy there doesn't understand how "free" works. Nor that we are an indie company.
  19. When I originally posted that "small news" bit, our release plans were different... they were changed very last minute, hence the lack of info for a few days whilst everyone shouted at everyone else
  20. Don't believe everything you read online
  21. You die when the reaper dies. Conversion is permanent
  22. Uhh... think you'll have to file that as a bug then dt because I've been squishing people with Reapers all over the place I assumed they were supposed to (stabbing them with their pointy legs)
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