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Everything posted by danpaul88

  1. You mean playing the game and testing the balance? I don't see where you're going with this. As developers it's useful to push the limits of the units to see where balance issues may lie - I was able to conclusively demonstrate the need to nerf the Cyborg for instance, which it appears has now been done as part of this upcoming hotfix.
  2. Huh? All I stated was the requirements for using the pathfind logic, in the event that anyone else is interested in using non-waypathed harvesters/miners in their games/mods/maps. Nothing more.
  3. But do require sensibly placed vehicle blockers and pathfind generation
  4. Voe: I hit danpaul like 5 times with ghost and non of them did damage That's what you get for relying on the server to put your splash damage where you want it to be Impact weapons like the borgs chaingun are much less prone to laggy effects. Also, I'm not sure I saw ANY of your shots connect on my screen, but as you know, damage is client side and all. I do recall saying to OWA on Teamspeak that you were probably getting really wound by the borgs by that point ^^
  5. Splash is however notorious for being unreliable due to being applied at the location the SERVER thinks your disc landed, which could be vastly different from where it lands on your own screen... which means you have absolutely no idea where to aim to make the splash damage actually work. This had been compensated for (badly) in the past by making the splash radius and damage ludicrously large, but this made the disc thrower the ultimate troll unit in tunnels / interiors where they just spammed discs without even bothering to aim and splashed the hell out of everything.
  6. Probably because that's his (user)name?
  7. I love Space Engineers! Nice models there, how much time did all that take? You should try to build them all from blueprints in survival
  8. ^ Exactly. Easier to pass it off as a programming forum if it doesn't have garish colours and pictures of tanks all over the place
  9. Sadly the destroyed model isn't rigged properly, I'm intending to get the source and re-export it sometime.
  10. The like button fits the IP.board theme perfectly
  11. This should be enabled now, although it changes the +rep button to a "Like" button in order to allow you to see who liked something. Let me know what you think.
  12. Anyone want to compare this list against the recent blog?
  13. I work in software development in the security industry and I do indeed enjoy my work. It can be quite demanding on my time and stressful at times but I work with a great group of people and that really helps. Plus knowing that the code I write is used by governments, armed forces, aerospace corps etc all over the world is quite satisfying.
  14. FYI, $40,000 (£26,000) is our entry level salary for graduate programmers fresh from university where I work. I didn't realise quite how poorly paid people in the games industry were until I was talking with OWA last night in London...
  15. Amusing to think that we've both had basically the same car And yes, I know all about the head gasket issues.
  16. One of the problems AR faces is vehicles like the Apoc Tank which have an indecent number of wheels to drive its four tracks (are they even called wheels when they're driving tracks? I'm not sure if there's a proper name for them) so the number of polys required to make them all 20 sided is not insignificant...
  17. So, if the wheels are actually squares with a mostly transparent texture, how do you handle the actual tread of the tyre? I can see that working for the sidewall, but I'm not aware of any way to use transparency to turn a 3d cube into a cylinder. Sorry if it's a dumb question, I'm just curious how you managed to make the tyres look nice and smoothly rounded without using a high poly count. EDIT: Re-read your previous comment and realised what I missed. They actually are cylinders and you just hide it with the square cap with a circular texture... very clever trick. I wonder if we could use that in AR to smooth the edges of some of the tread wheels...
  18. At the top of this forum? It's possibly not been made public yet, I'll check with moonsense. We could always throw you a copy of the tutorial in a PM or something if necessary, or you could grab it from http://renhelp.laeubi.de/tutorials.html
  19. Got to say, the lo-poly six sided cylinders on the Topkick truck really stand out on that model.. especially when you contrast them to the nice smooth circular wheels and the circular thing on the back (which, bizarrely, has a hexa-cylinder inside it Oo). Why did you choose to create nice smooth circles for some parts and hexa-cylinders for others? If it was a question of poly count, why not reduce the number of sides on the smoother parts slightly and bring the hexagonal ones up to match, for the sake of consistency?
  20. Yes, the UVW unwrap is used to animate the treads on the tank. I don't recall the exact specifics off the top of my head, but there should be some info in the westwood tutorials dt recently posted in the tutorials area
  21. OWA will be posting an update on AR in the next few days I believe.
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