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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Oh, oh dear. Now why did you do that? Does that by any chance block Killing_You?
  2. I'm more and more convinced that this Orange is rotten. ##Vote OrangeP47 Mind going into more detail as to the specifics of your roleblock?
  3. Can you do that during the day? If not, don't bother using that to sway away a potential lynch. Should we agree on him to be a very likely scum candidate then it is better to lynch him instead of having him run around for another day.
  4. I'm curious as to how it works, but I guess it's for the best to hide the specific mechanics for now.
  5. Greetings fellow scary beings! Seen it on Monday. Good movie, may shits and giggles were had. Multiple effect? õ_o Is it bad? Also, even though I have read everything, what's everyone's current idea on the players. BananaB17's roleblock claim may have some truth to it. The alignment of such role, however, is rather dubious. Care to explain more on it Mr. Thunderbolt?
  6. No you blind squirrel, Luigi, look, I even wrote it down!
  7. It's possible. But as I said, a mafia zombie would be unlikely. And a strike-out doesn't guarantee a pure death or possible ressurection. I went with Luigi.
  8. Unlikely, a Zombie is a badguy horror thing, and thus would most likely be town. A strike-out or ''death'' wouldn't have to mean an actual 100% ''I'm out of the game'' death, but scum zombies? Unlikely. :D
  9. I don't rollblock with the hugging. Hugs are possitive! :D
  10. The grand hugging event needs to continue its course!
  11. Nope. Just that I succeeded in the greatest friendly hug of all time.
  12. Is you getting ninja'd a new ''Fraydo gets bullied by the RNG''? Also, result PM get. I fully embraced PolanLitwa during the night. Additional warmth for that Galicia of his.
  13. It's possible TiM isn't consistent. Which is why I think that we should forcus on the people discussing this instead of on GM guessing. (''Why don't you do it yourself you jolly wanker?'' Because I'm also doing work atm.) I'm not even going to vote anybody until I return tomorrow. Or at least, if I don't make it, then my vote may not be the deciding thing in a town vs scum scenario, additionally, I'm actually interested in the penalty I'd get if I don't vote, but I do not intend on going that way.
  14. Knowing Kam, his flavour is something anime or scientist related. Preferably both. As for his powers, no idea. He can be creative at times. So I don't know what to expect on that front.
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