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Everything posted by Nodlied

  1. Counted & Counted.inc Counted
  2. Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted
  3. Thankfully nobody died last night! But the world tension is spiking fast and the Great Powers are seemly not able to solve the crisis. We must work quickly before this spirals out of control. Go forth! Even though things are getting tense, we still have time to read the newspaper. As the clouds of war gather, so it will become darker. ~48 hours remain until the end of the day!
  4. Alright, night resolving time!
  5. Yeah, it's supposed to be 36%. Sorry about that. I'm really tired.
  6. Night profiles are out. Also, I'm far too tired for this stuff. xD
  7. The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like Fraydo is going to be investigated. His real name is Aleksandar Malobabic and he is an Austrian national. He currently has a Spyglass. But could he be a murderer or a spy? Well, he's currently Innocent and thus will be able to continue as normal. Additionally, you nominated Retaliation to gain access to the vault tonight! Huh? That's the missing evidence! ''Lead on the culprits'' ''During the interrogation of the assassin Gavrilo Princip, we have discovered that a rogue Serbian faction within the military was behind what we think is known as the ''Black Hand''. To uncover the scale of the organisation, we should see to it that the investigation is completed.'' Why was it on Fraydo? In any case, it has been transferred to the vault to await your further judgement! Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don't forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before day time! 24 hours remain until the end of the night!
  8. That's a hammer. Now shut up.
  9. Verti60 throws a grenade at Fraydo. It explodes somewhere in the room. But it caused a concussion. Fraydo cannot vote anymore and all of his current votes will be canceled!
  10. Yeah, I already found it. CVC has been updated. (Including the earlier post.)
  11. Oh well, it might have been a bit of a hickup from my side.
  12. Counted Counted My data tells me you've already done that. 2 hours remain!
  13. Remember that the end of the day is just slightly less than 24 hours away!
  14. Counted Counted Counted Counted Counted Just a notification here, please don't use any kind of actions that are not displayed in your night/day abilities. (This includes the silly ##Suicide and the ##Unsubscribe) Counted Counted Sorry for the late CVC, I was rather busy at summer school.
  15. You cannot unsubscribe to the newspaper. :D
  16. Ehm... Just a little thing. The world tension is off by 1%. It should be 45%.
  17. Lol, the newspaper's formatting somehow managed to shit itself. Meh, not going to fix it.
  18. A new day dawns and everything seems to be well. Birds chirp, people are starting work, and you are back to investigating the assassination. Remember to disregard all fake evidence when trying to present the truth. Oh, and as an added bonus, here's OrangeP47's picture that our Polish reservist forgot. Hmm, what is this piece in the newspaper? Time for some additional music by our great national band! ~48 hours remain until the end of the day! ----------------------------------- Mod notes: Well then. I've resolved everything. Voe forgot the nightprofiles but I have seen to it that all things that should have been known have been added to the day profiles (it will be mentioned!). Beyond that, nothing nightbreaking was missed, otherwise I'd have had extended the night.
  19. Deadline for nightactions is over. Time to resolve the night.
  20. Looks like you guys decided to ham while I was gone. Good on you. Thanks for the stand-in Voe, I appreciate it. By the way, the day will start standard (newish) time. So you will have slightly less than 4 hours for your day actions and it will be less than 5 hours for the next day to start. EDIT: To clear up on OrangeP47's imprisonment. He cannot perform any actions anymore, nor can he even vote. He also not be affected anymore by any actions. However, he can still talk. Oh, and remember about your limit of two nightposts. Some of you have gone over the limit. I'll let it slide for now, but there will be consequences next time.
  21. Counted Counted Small announcement time. I'll be gone pretty much until Wednesday evening. I might be able to beep in on Tuesday evening. But I can't guarantee that. Until then however, Voe is in ''charge''. If he doesn't do anything though, go bug him for an action result or CVC.
  22. A new day dawns and everything seems to be well. Birds chirp, people are starting work, and you are back to investigating the assassination. Remember to disregard all fake evidence when trying to present the truth! There's nothing interesting in the newspaper. Today's theme played by the local band. ~48 hours remain until the end of the day!
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