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About LR01

  • Birthday 02/23/1991

Member Title

  • Battle for Dune: War of Assassins Co-Producer

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Hi, please read my message <3

  2. I will give it a try, I liked the first Halo Wars.
  3. I worked on the Star wars mod, we where forced to cancel it though. Same thing as the Strarcraft mod.
  4. Oh the laggs...how exactly was this done? alot of work and boredom Wow, sure seems like it. Though, you could have cheated and use max to setup proxies and be done in a few seconds.
  5. First, when you create something cylinder like, look at the segements and sides. They should be low. The quickest way to reduce poly count would be something like the modifier optimize.
  6. Well, I didn't know how to do them, so I just tried different wheels. I liked this the most after all, but you are right, they need improvement. The model isn't done, so all the critics are welcome.
  7. Well, whit enough players it could increase the framecount whit 1 ore more. Besides, I doubt anyone sees the difference ingame.
  8. Yea, it did, making such a animation is hard. Though it will be ready on release.
  9. Yea, we just lack the models for that.
  10. Aprit Chard is coming along nicely.
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