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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Huh. In that case, I don't care if destructible ore is implemented or not, though I'd rather not have it due to exploits.
  2. It'd also be unRA2listic, I believe. You could damage ore with missiles in RA1 (I believe; this happened quite a bit on ATG), and famously blue tiberium in TS, but not RA2.
  3. Rebuildable basic defences (Pillbox and Flame Tower ONLY, NO Tesla Coils or Gap Gen's) would be great in APB, as long as they require a Construction Yard and aren't insta-built (They should take a minute or 2 to build). Well, of course. This would translate into Sentry Guns/Pillboxes in AR, and Lasers/Component Towers in Reborn, if implemented. Well, could you make vehicle explosions do damage to whatever is in the immediate vicinity, like a Demo Truck does? If so, you could make the V3 a vehicle entity targetable by AA defenses, then have it travel along a set arc that starts at the launcher itself and ends at the target? I don't know how to speak code, but you get the idea.
  4. What about V3 Rockets? Hijacked Nighthawks? Eh, never mind. How this will affect gameplay, well.... Time will tell. Sooner or later. Time will tell.
  5. Even the APB system is flawed. I still like the rebuildable defenses idea, though since APB is doing fine without it, trying to make it work can wait. And going back to my original question, I noticed that the planned buildings list doesn't include the Allied Patriot Missile Defense. Is that a typo, or is there a specific reason?
  6. Alright, thanks for the clarification. But I also noticed that the Patriot Missile defense is ommited from the planned structure list. Is that just a typo, or is there a reason for this? I'm pretty sure that, between V3s, Paradrops, Siege Choppers (if they appear as a crate unit), and hijacked Nighthawks, the Allies will need a good AA defense.
  7. Does activity refer to your posts or just how often you are on and/or how long?
  8. I am Killing_You. Just Killing_You. From Westwood, to ICE, to Killing_You. I am his right hand.

  9. Which reminds me: APB could really use some better icons, like improved versions of the .9935 icons. The current icons look nothing like the original RA1 icons, and this takes away from the nostalgia that APB is supposed to represent. The .9935 icons, on the other hand, were nearly-perfect recreations of the originals, and for this reason, I feel that they look far better than the current icons. Here are some examples: And their RA1 counterparts for comparison: Of course, those icons use older models/textures, and so remakes of them would be better. In addition, many of them do not have camo options. Westwood Wars has already taken the liberty of porting the RA1 icons to APB, but they're getting remade altogether, by me, using modern screenshots. I'm posting the topic right now
  10. If so, this rigging needs to be applied to APB. Reborn may need it, too, but I don't know for sure.
  11. Actually, one of the recent updates had a picture of the sidebar icons. I don't know it that's the final version or not, but it looks like the vehicle on a red/blue radial background. Cool, but unRA2listic. I'll do my best anyway to see how it compares, though.
  12. IF my tester application goes through, what's the status on the sidebar purchase icons? Because I will be able to supply you recreations of the RA2 icons using AR screenshots. I'm already doing something similar for Westwood Wars MK I.
  13. Damn. Testing's out and I cannot connect to any online server. All I have is web browsing; no gaming whatsoever Unless I can solo test. It's be good for spotting any bugs with buildings, maps, etc..
  14. What units/vehicles/defenses will use sounds different from their RA2 counterparts, if any at all? APB can get away with this since RA1 recycled a lot of sounds due to time/engine constraints, but I feel that RA2 has enough variety in it's sounds that AR should utilize them.
  15. The Flak Cannon works like none of the weapons in APB. It's a bit of a beast. I am intrigued to see what it does.
  16. OHH YES YES YES YES YES!!! Isle of War is in just in time for the next tester sign up, which is soon? FRICKIN YES!! Isle of War is my favorite map, and one of only four from the original game that I really want to see (others being Wild Animal Park, DC Uprising, and Paris Revisited) in AR. And that portable Flak Cannon? Very very beautiful. I expect it to work much like the RPG from APB but with damage, speed, and animations equivalent to RA2. Am I right?
  17. This is most likely not going to happen, unfortunately. Then again, there's always me and Westwood Wars II.... Oh, and instead of green squares, how about red dots like the original game when you put "Target Lines" on? Nostalgia to the max while providing the same assistance.
  18. Don't turn around. Don't run. And. Don't. Blink.

  19. Well, the Chrono Legionarre couldn't move at all in RA2 without Chronoshifting. And the farther he chronoshifted, the longer it took him to phase in. And while he was phasing in, he was super vulnerable because he couldn't move or attack until he phased in completely, but he could be attacked. As opposed to using a chronosphere, where any shifted units would be immediately available for use. I was wondering if you're taking these factors into account, especially the vulnerability issue.
  20. Perhaps Tanya's Battle Fortress/IFV weapon should essentially be an AT version of her AP pistols that kill like crazy. This would give more incentive to protect her with SEALs for AP purposes in the Battle Fortress and GGIs (whose rocket would have a faster rate of fire but lower damage, and be able to kill air units) for AT purposes. This would essentially make the Battle Fortress a death machine like in the original game, and would be a major target for the Soviets. Then we could allow only 1 Battle Fortress on the battlefield at once for balance purposes. Just an idea.
  21. Good question! We'll probably incorporate some extra scripting into the sell zone, so that when you're done, you can sell your Dolphin and reappear as a G.I. Is that same principle going to apply to the Giant Squid?
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