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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Also, if you don't mind, I'd like to see a recreation of my avatar, but with a smoking battlefield and a pile of bodies.
  2. They're blarg eggs Don't worry, took me a bit to catch them as well.
  3. Aww I feel slightly left out:( Oh well. Anyway, I'm super excited to play around with the Robot Tank. Honestly it's the best model for this game I've seen yet.
  4. APCs are rarely deployed in deep water, and almost never in the open ocean. Tiberium, hydrophyllic as it may be, probably doesn't do well in bodies of water with less plant life to bond with. Plus the fact that the open ocean has far more potential for nasty wildlife than lakes and rivers. An alternate explanation is that the AAPCs are small enough to avoind attracting all of this dangerous attention. Kind of like how a Shah Hulud will likely ignore, say, a mouse on the surface of the sand, but even a squad of troops will piss it off enough to attack.
  5. Not that I'm aware of. I believe that the seas got way too infested with Tiberium life forms for navy to be practical in Tiberian Sun. As in, super dangerous seaweed, Floaters everywhere, and many other unspeakable things. At least that's the justification Westwood gave IIRC.
  6. I've never seen an Arty misused on Crossroads. Usually they park on the intersection where they can wreak havoc on the GDI base but at the cost of being countered at all angles.
  7. That's probably because RA2's infantry formula is, to me, the best out of any C&C to date. As far as officers go, the G.I. basically deploys into one, and the Conscript is set up to be midway between a Rifle Soldier and an Officer. That's how it was in RA2 (to an extent) and that's how it's planned to be, I think.
  8. That's all wrong. They need to be the size of Phobos, at least.
  9. The Grand Cannon better not move. It was a base defense in RA2, why would it be anything else in AR? By the way, fantabulous job so far. Any progress on the Kirov, even though it's not a release one candidate (Unfortunately)
  10. Considering that rail guns are only used on super units, I would be fine with hitscan, or close to it.
  11. Something I've been itching to ask: Is there going to be a map where all bets are off and everyone gets all of their country bonuses? Just a specialty thing, not for every map.
  12. I just remembered that, even in flying mode, JumpJets can ride in vehicles. So why hasn't anyone loaded up an AAPC with flying Jumpjets, parked it behind the Nod base (maybe in water), and unleashed the swarm? That would be one kickass tactic, even if there's game breaking potential.
  13. Oh how I wish I could upvote that multiple times...
  14. Yeah those are nice, but we're talking about a full-on all-out war map with AI tanks and such, maybe with battalions of Rhinos and Grizzlies clashing head on, perhaps in groups (2 Rhinos+ 1 Flak Track, 3 Grizzlies) similar to what the AI would periodically send after you. Then the players could support these groups or take an alternate route to the enemy base and make a surgical strike. Of course, similar packs (8 Conscripts, 3 Tesla Troopers, 8 GIs, 4 GGIs) would be made for infantry, again mirroring the harassment squads sent after the player from time to time. And, of course, this should extend beyond AR.
  15. Honestly, why give Yuri a pistol for self-defense when he has a kickass PB-AoE that boils the minds of his foes? As for the mind-control aspect, sure it's not a R1 candidate (most of the cool stuff isn't), but it's better we get this sorted out now so it doesn't put us in development hell later.
  16. First of all, welcome to the forums. Always nice to see a new face :downs: But that post reminds me: how are we going to do Yuri? Short of pulling a full-on team swap on the poor sap who gets mind-controlled, I don't see what we're going to do.
  17. Realistically, maybe. But not TSlistically. Truth is, my post was inspired by a certain Nod mission: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Eviction_Notice For those that don't remember, this mission did include derelict 1st Tiberium War buildings, including the original Temple.
  18. That's what I was thinking... Wow. But it would be pretty interesting if some maps had derelict Mammoth Tank that could be "fixed up" and made operational again. Maybe this vehicle could be in an abandoned GDI base from the first war? I got one better. The abandoned Nod base in Sarajevo. The one that was blown to smithereens in the 1st Tiberium War. Then we won't have just mammoths; we can have husks of all sorts of 1st Tiberium War hardware that can be grabbed, repaired, and used by either side. Many of APB's vehicles (APC, Medium Tank, Artillery, and aforementioned Mammoth) can be re-skinned to fit the 1st Tiberium war, and some assets from Renegade (Humvee, MRLS, Buggy) can be re-skinned or given a nice BHP overhaul for the map. This gives us a map that is not only jam-packed with fan service, but one almost straight from Tiberian Sun itself, as well as being a really interesting change of pace from "Go to enemy, kill enemy."
  19. Goddamnit ninjIce. I was about to suggest that very same thing for the veinholes after I got off work today, supplementing it with the numerous tactical options this opens up, along with the devilishly evil possibilities for future maps.
  20. Bethesda... It goes beyond Bethesda. Notice how there aren't any children in any of the GTA games? Notice how it is near-impossible to kill a child in The Sims? Children getting hurt in video games can stir up major controversy no matter what. You have to be careful nowadays. I'm against political correctness as much as the next guy, but there are certain lines that dare not be crossed.
  21. I would say that the interiors of some buildings (like subterranean dwellings) could have civilians without gas masks. I would also say that heavy clothes and gas masks are the bare minimum requirement for anyone who wants to go outside, and even at that it might only delay your fate. In general, society in Tiberian Sun would be a post-apocalyptic/sci-fi colony blend, and the ratio varies depending on the amount of Tiberium nearby, as well as the general architecture and intensity of battle. For example, the small home on Snow is a prefabricated shelter located a fair distance from the Tiberium and the main battlefield. Then throw in the gassed-up RV. This would play host to a family that's pretty well prepared, although for obvious reasons Reborn probably shouldn't feature children.
  22. Why were you wandering around in the middle of the construction bay? There are no doors back there, there's no reason to be walking there in the first place Also the GDI War Factory has arms that move around when building things, not sure about the Nod one... GDI's War Factory has arms moving and blue sparkles flying around when a vehicle is under construction. It's actually quite... relaxing. Probably one of my favorite effects in the game. Nod's War Factory has the vehicles just... poof out of nowhere. It makes it hard to tell if anything's being built or not. What would really be cool is if the War Factory for Nod didn't assemble the vehicles, but rather it had an elevator with which to receive vehicles from the likely global tunnel system. The War Factory itself would be just a delivery bay/final touch-up area. This has an added bonus of keeping with Nod's heavy use of tunnels as seen in TS while also being a reference to the First Tiberium War. Nod is still getting pre-assembled vehicles to the front lines, they're just using tunnels instead of aircraft.
  23. I think that the grizzly is perfect. Well, near-perfect. I'd like the forest camo to be more olive like the cutscene/icon and less lime, but if you keep it like it is I won't have an issue.
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