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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Hang on, cutscene render of the Grizzly? I don't remember any cutscenes featuring the Grizzly. Or most of the arsenal for that matter. Actually, it would be easier to list the units shown in cutscenes.
  3. Make the vehicles have a Tanya model and the infantry have the Tesla Tank model. Make everything better. Go even further and give the helicopters the Moho Mine model [HINT HINT DANPAUL]
  4. Disagree. it'd be far more logical to texture the current placeholder.
  5. We're totally serious. And don't call me Shirley.
  6. Will they be able to alter terrain? Not that it matters to me, it'd just be a neat bonus.
  7. They have pretty much everything in already. Getting it all to work properly is the trick.
  8. Back to AR, I wonder what the Psychic Sensor would do. Assuming it gets implemented as the Soviet counterpart to the Gap Generator.
  9. weird i cant use any themes? Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  10. This reminds me; why do the Ore Trucks in APB "dump" using the scoop animation? It'd be cooler and more r(e)alistic if they dumped the backside like an actual dump truck.
  11. Despite having missiles, I think that the biggest weakness to the Cyborg Reaper will be vehicles. The almighty Titan, for example, should have no problem 1-on-1, and the Mammoth Mk. II (if they have a build limit of one) should theoretically be able to one-shot a CR. If nothing else, I think there should be a range limit on the net. As in, outranged by rockets. In addition, if the infantry unit is in a tunnel or anywhere else that would prevent the net from pinning him in a real situation (such as in the door of a building), he should be fine. This is all balanced by the CR being a nightmare to infantry out in the open.
  12. Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Give a man a Cyborg Reaper, he'll eat for a lifetime.
  13. APB could certainly use multiple hands for each character, too. It is very baffling to get a LAW pickup as a Tanya, and then go into first person mode and see yourself with sleeved, masculine hands. Anyway, I can't wait to play around with the new AR weapons!
  14. Are you referring to Tib' Sun or Renegade? Tiberian Sun, of course. Renegade did have one or two minor sandstorms on a few levels in the campaign. EaW has sandstorms on desert planets, but they occur randomly and have an effect of diminishing LoS as well as a decrease in laser effectiveness. We could take these two factors into account (to an extent).
  15. I am 90% sure that if Westwood was able to put sandstorms in the actual game without screwing up performance or gameplay, they would have.
  16. Give this kid a promotion! The power! The absolute power!! Actually, I don't know if danpaul has mentioned this or not, but we were thinking, perhaps our project (Total Annihilation: Extinction) could be promoted to a BHP project. Thoughts?
  17. The infantry beta might still be up for download somewhere. Not sure where, though.
  18. We'd like to give specifics, unfortunately blabbing about what's going on internally would mean getting fired as a tester. It's up to the staff what is announced and what is kept secret.
  19. I can't give details, but I promise that progress is being made in Reborn.
  20. You and me both. Titans are my #1 favorite CnC Vehicle.
  21. Is there going to be a January 2013 Battlefield Update? Or are we waiting til February?
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