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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. That was a pretty enjoyable game. I feel like I could've won if RNG hadn't caused such a storm this game. Most of our plans were, as far as I'm concerned, well laid, and I had to do a ton of on the spot improv. Worked pretty well until the final day, where I still don't know how the tables got turned on me as quickly as they did.
  2. Don't worry, I've got this in the bag. Then target him. I've got a very specific order of operations, taking each player's abilities and threat levels into account. On the final night, you need not target anyone. It doesn't expire because it's not from his original ability. It was technically an item from that loot chest he dropped. It's got one use, and it is a passive. Humor me, Cat5. Have a little faith. After all, the only way you can lose now is if I kill you, and I'm not going to do that, no matter the situation.
  3. Category 5, my offer stands firm. If you do not jail me, I will consider that an acceptance of your offer. Beyond that, you will merely need to vote for who I vote for and not block me at night. It'll be the difference between 2 nights/2 days, and 2 nights/1 day. Also, it will be the difference between good triumphing and evil reigning supreme. This is your story now. Will you walk the path of the hero, or the villain? The choice is yours.
  4. Yes, but as far as I'm aware, he's interested in the battle between good and evil. This is a different type of game, after all, where good must fight an uphill battle to conquer the evil that has taken hold as the "town." Oh don't worry. I know precisely how to deal with each and every one of you, systematically. I only need Cat5 to assist. And if the neutral roleblocker decides to follow the path of righteousness, you'll quickly see how the playing field will be leveled.
  5. Damn. I suppose I can’t argue my way out of this one, can I? Well, I suppose formalities are in order, then. Allow me to introduce myself. I am John Constantine. My day abilities are exactly as I have claimed, although my night ability, I have fibbed about. You see, what it actually does is mess with investigation results for cops, trackers, watchers, and the like. Explains a lot, eh? What I should probably mention are what happened due to OrangeP47 and kamuixmod’s passives; Salvage Gear and Loot Chest, respectively. I got Orange’s unused day ability and a special item. You see, now not only can I block someone’s vote whenever I choose, but I also now have a single use passive ability that lets me survive one lynch. In essence, it will take you two days to finish me off. Until then, I will be out in time to watch The Simpsons. For all intents and purposes, I control this game now. There is just one person who can stop me, and yet coincidentally, he has no obligation to assist you. Category 5 Hurricane, speaking directly to you here. You are neutral, yes? Therefore, you will win regardless if it’s a scum victory or a town victory, correct? If this is true, then perhaps we can strike a deal. You see, in this game, unlike most other Mafia games, the town is the scum. They are made up of vile, horrific creatures, and it is up to the Mafia (aka the Survivors, aka the Good Guys) to strike them down once and for all. Wouldn’t it be thematic- nay, poetic- for the lone survivor to climb from the pits of despair and emerge victorious, aided by the one who could choose any path they so desired, and chose the path of righteousness? I know exactly how we can end this game in victory, for the both of us. And it can be done in such a way that it cannot possibly be stopped. But I cannot do it without your assistance. With your help, we can ensure a swift, unblockable victory for the side of righteousness. So, what do you say?
  6. It is one-time use. I'm willing to accept those secondary terms because I'm that confident you're scum.
  7. Okay, let me be clear about this: My day abilities are now used up. Otherwise, I would have incinerated Alstar on day start. You have two people that you suspect are scum. One of which is now hanging out in the Dark Dimension. The other had a cop result on them showcasing that they're Mafia. You have roleblock at your disposal. If somehow the game doesn't end, I'll be powerless tomorrow anyway. But guess what? I don't have to worry about that since the bloody game will end anyway with Alstar's death. Are you people really this daft?
  8. Screw this. Seems like there's only one way to get you people to do your jobs and lynch Alstar. ##banish Killing You I'm hanging out in the Dark Dimension. Peace.
  9. Alright, fair enough. If it helps get Alstar out of the way so that we can win this game, fine by me.
  10. Okay, question. Why would banish be needed for your idea? It only affects the night phase, after all. Eh?
  11. What the fu- I'm not about to prove myself by offering you a saving throw! Are you daft? The end post is all I need to clear my name.
  12. This sounds like a feeble attempt to buy yourself some time. See, everyone wants to check either me or you. Frankly, I'm certain that you're Mafia, so I'm not giving you an extra day. Even if I was, everyone would lynch me, and only tomorrow would the game actually end when they realize that you're the one they need to lynch. I'd rather just end it right here, right now.
  13. Hold on, what exactly do you think it does? Banish gives someone daytime BP and lynchproof, but also completely roleblocks them for the rest of the day phase. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it before. Are you trying to get me to save you? Not going to happen.
  14. Day phase only. It was designed to keep Voe from going nuts during MYOL or LYLO, after seeing what happened last CYOR.
  15. Technically, I can, but I won't. For obvious reasons, I don't want to make scum lynchproof for a day, especially since it'll be GG when he's gone.
  16. I'm letting you guys right now that my incinerate and banish are both one time use.
  17. As I have mentioned several times, it's a reflection. If someone tried to make a kill, and it got reflected, they'd hit themselves. This was the whole point of my role in the first place, it was just changed to "first action" for balancing purposes. Also, remember, Nodlied didn't get notified of my visit N1, despite it being a success. The only reason Alstar got notified N2 is due to his passive.
  18. Oh derp, I realize what I typed. Meant to say "tried to cast on Nodlied, wound up being redirected to Jeod."
  19. Oh no, it's fine. We probably would've done more with that scene if we weren't on such a short schedule. I'll pass this on to the director and the rest of the crew, though.
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