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Everything posted by Wallywood

  1. December 31st lives!!!!!! Guys, we made it real.... lol
  2. Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season! So I’ve actually stopped by to deliver an early Christmas gift. So here it is..... Tiberian Sun Reborn and all asset owenership will be turned over to W3dHub with no strings attached. Effective January,1 ,2021. I’ll be in contact with the proper people over the upcoming Holidays and handle everything on my end and with W3dhub staff to go over details. Basically that’s it. Wish you all the best! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  3. The game has gotten an entire over haul. Every unit now feels useful in their own way, gameplay mechanics have changed along with many maps, and there are a few surprises. Best of all this is just the beginning to the Endgame.
  4. I wonder what it could mean .....
  5. Life has been extremely busy lately. I’ve started my own business, gotten married and taken on the role of step dad to three awesome kids. But life has also never been better thanks for asking. As for Reborn. There are currently a lot things I’m not happy with. Mostly balance wise. But I can assure anyone concerned that OWA and Pushwall are working hard on fixing a lot of them. Another thing I wasn’t too happy with was some of the building layouts. Example the GDI bar and WF. BUT Chopbam and ICE have been kicking butt in that department. As for how I got into modding is kind of a long weird one. But the long short of it was, I started out as a player, then tester, then sound artist, and made a joke one day about taking over Reborn and somehow it became a real possibility. I wrote up a full change log of everything I would do differently and assured everyone it would be it’s own game, different from both Renegade and APB. Enough people liked it and I was kind of thrown into the role. Thanks for the awesome questions
  6. Heated ? You came in here last night with a decision already made with MPF, to pull the server listing if we didn’t comply with what you wanted. No matter what was said the server listing was going to be taken off. It was a strong arm tactic... so I can fully understand why the players are pissed. They are the ones that got screwed by this.
  7. I haven’t seen ANYONE here “agree” with you. I have seen people try to empathize and find some sort of logic in this whacked out idea you insists is fair.
  8. Still not seeing how “Do as we say, or we’ll do it for you.” Is fair. Would it be fair if the tables were turned?
  9. That is not me trolling at all. That is a literal comparison of what is going on here.
  10. You’re asking, about something you no nothing about. I actually went and had a talk with Zunnie a few years back about trying to find a common ground for both teams. It was MPF that turned away the Discussion.
  11. Please don’t speak on his behalf. That’s bad form.
  12. This like Coke threatening to ban all soda, because more people enjoy Pepsi. 🤔
  13. So then what seems to be the issues? They’re not in competition with Renegade. They are their own mod. Is W3D Hub not aloud to promote our own games ? And what’s stopping MPF from making their own launcher ?
  14. So you’d rather take something away from the players rather than help grow the Ren community?
  15. So let me get this straight. You claim to come over peaceful but have already decided that if we don’t remove it you’ll just remove it anyway. Seem more like a strong arm tactic than a peaceful decision.
  16. So here’s how I’m reading this... do what we say do or we’re banning you. That seems really fair.
  17. This is not me “fighting”. Trust me you should take this as friendly banter.
  18. You left me alone!? I thought you were just playing hard to get.
  19. Yes. Next question... edit: This opinion is based from Wallywood and does not reflect the views and opinions of W3D Hub
  20. The main reason we decided for the redesign was for balance. Now GDI won’t have to run around the whole out side of the build just to defend it from attackers. But now its open for sneak attacks like the current Nod Warfactory and also the MCTs and Hack terminals now match better as well.
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