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OWA's working on a Halo game


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Hey guys! As some of you may know, I work at Creative Assembly currently and have worked on some awesome games, such as Alien: Isolation and Total War: Attila. But now the latest project that I'll be working on has been announced (for Xbox One and PC) and it's a pretty big deal! I figured that this was big enough to be community news as it's strategy-related and C&C-esque, so enjoy the teaser!

Being a C&C fan, I do love me some classic strategy games, so when I found out we were doing Halo Wars 2, I did everything in my power to make sure that I got onto the team (which I did!). I can't really say much more though, other than the game is going to be awesome! Keep your eyes peeled in the future for more news!

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You can't even tell it a trailer for a strategy game , no large scale battle or epic villain monolog :(

However this will help bring more life into the rts genre , and despite not enjoying the halo games other than the 1st I would like to give it a try .

The only problem is that in the first one they apparently dumbed it down lots to appeal more to their fps fans .

And I usually prefer more complected strategy games such as supreme commander , Zero-K , C&C , Dawn of war ( less for strategy more for epic battles ).

I just hope it's not too much build large army and steam role your enemy .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thats some cool shit OWA. The first Halo Wars was pretty fun, but I noticed that it got reduced in scope as it went thru development. At first, the devs boasted that you could build a huge base, complete with props and guys training in the back of the barracks and shit, workers and soldiers moving around, alot of ambiance and visuals - it was a living, breathing base you had.


The finished game only presented a bare bones base structure, no props, just solid structures.


The game is still fun, but dayum, it looked much more impressive before the final product.

Probably because Ensemble Studios was inexplicably announced to be closed once Halo Wars was finished, so they probably no longer cared about quality, and just wanted the game out anyway. Edited by Plokite_Wolf
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TBH, why don't they just make a USB wireless keyboard and mouse that you can plug into a console? I don't get why its not been done before. You need a mouse for RTS games, the thumbsticks on a game pad always felt clunky to me when I was playing C&C3 on the Xbox 360.

Absolutely. Actually, it can be had with an expensive adapter, but it would be a nice factory feature for sure.

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Meal trays are definitely handy in the living room. Games -> food -> more games -> more food -> repeat :p


Plus, you can use them to conduct electricity if you don't have a long enough extension cord!


Sounds you have brought ECW to life in your living room :v:

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