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What u Favorite Windows ?

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I'm very fond of Windows XP, but I don't use it now because the support has ended. Windows 7 is great, but Windows 10 is even better for multi-monitor users like myself, so I'd say Windows 10. :)

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Windows 10 is my favourite. 8 and 8.1 were OK, but lacked the polish of Win7. XP is just rather dated these days...


I've played around with various linux distros over the years but none of them really convinced me that linux is ready for use as a general purpose day to day OS yet

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Except Microsoft have already said Windows 10 is the last version of Windows. From now on they'll just keep adding stuff to Windows 10 and changing it over time. Kind of like how MacOS has been on version 10 for 14 years now.

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Except Microsoft have already said Windows 10 is the last version of Windows. From now on they'll just keep adding stuff to Windows 10 and changing it over time. Kind of like how MacOS has been on version 10 for 14 years now.


so windows 11 never will created?

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What I found the last time I looked for such information, indicated that at some point in future development, Windows would become "versionless". In other words, you won't run windows 10 or 8, 7, etc... You will simply run Windows. After which time, the only discernible separation between one "version" or the other will be the kernel build number or access to certain features that came available (or unavailable) at certain dates. I don't particularly agree with this approach for many reasons but most of all, simply because I don't think they can pull off operating under the ideology behind it. That idea being that every Microsoft product that isn't a server or kiosk should run near-identical software, separated only by architecture.


@danpaul88 - allow me to quote you out of context for a moment if you don't mind.

Kind of like how MacOS has been on version 10 for 14 years now.

I know what you'll say next :p "Well Apple has been doing that for 14 years now!" Well....Apple also brands ALL of their hardware which makes this more reasonable and even possible.


I may be misinformed or of poor understanding on the subject, and as such, I am always open to others enlightening me to change my views. But personally I feel that they (M$) once again took the lazy approach in building their flagship product. The idea feels bad in my head in other words. Who knows? Maybe they can pull it off. It will require a better performance than in the past though.


Sorry I kinda derailed this, we may need to split the topic now....

P.S. This was not the large writeup I had lost the first time, this is simply an on-the-fly rant :D so....more to come! Maybe...

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I may be misinformed or of poor understanding on the subject, and as such, I am always open to others enlightening me to change my views. But personally I feel that they (M$) once again took the lazy approach in building their flagship product. The idea feels bad in my head in other words. Who knows? Maybe they can pull it off. It will require a better performance than in the past though.

I never said whether I thought the new Windows strategy was good or bad, but I think I understand WHY they're doing it... it's an effort to avoid the Windows XP effect happening again, where people fixate on a given version of Windows and refuse point blank to upgrade, causing fragmentation of the user base and making life difficult for developers. From now on developers can just target the latest public version of Windows 10 knowing that the mostly-mandatory and automatic software updates will ensure almost everyone has been updated to that version.


It's also easier for the non-tech savvy. No more "compatible with windows X, Y, Z, etc, etc", it's just "compatible with Windows".

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It's also easier for the non-tech savvy. No more "compatible with windows X, Y, Z, etc, etc", it's just "compatible with Windows".


This. And it would also make the lives of techies helping non-techies a lot easier..

It wouldn't be the first time I tried to diagnose a problem only to get the response "Just Windows" or "I don't know. Some Windows?" when asking the question what version of Windows they are running...

(Windows 8/8.1 became an easy one to figure out if they had it or not though :p )

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