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Anita Sarkeesian hired by Twitter


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Yes you heard me my good fellows. That dumb bitch woman that feels as if she's the only one entitled to an opinion on the internet has been hired by the people of Twitter to be a part of a 'Trust and Safety Council'. For those of us that have accounts there, I'd watch things very carefully and abandon ship as soon as shit strikes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_-VcfiPF4A

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Gamergate meets W3dhub?


I've watched some of her videos, they were OK, I don't get the hate, Misogyny in the gaming community is ridiculous.

Because they're dishonest and don't give a whole picture. There's literally an entire written series of documents going through the logical fallacies and lack of any reason as to why "over-sexualization" is a bad thing. Not to mention she uses tiny sample sizes most of the time, and many of the games and DLC she lists also have a ton of other alternatives to the one she lists. Then, when people give her honest criticism (yes, I'm aware that there has been actual harassment towards her, but that's been very exaggerated) then she cries misogyny and makes a shit-ton of money off being a victim.

Misogyny in the gaming community is ridiculous.

No, no it's not.

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