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I'm new here to the site and the forum. I noticed there are not Renegade servers up anywhere due to a "hacker" DDOSing them. which isn't cool. So i remembered there is TS: Reborn And RenAlert aka Red Alert: A Path Beyond. SO i googled and ran across you guys and this site/forums/ So i am currently downloading and installing them. I cant wait to play. I spammed the site on two other forums to draw more people because I only saw that there were 3 people on TS and no one on Red Alert.



here's the proof:








You're welcome. i will post in Blizzhackers.cc also when their forums come back up. Idk if they are doing a maintenance check atm or what.


Edit: I'm also gonna post on my facebook and Instagram too. :-)

Edited by abrcadet
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I noticed there are not Renegade servers up anywhere due to a "hacker" DDOSing them.

Um, okay sure. WOL still works and you can use Renlist for everything else.


This is actually a thing. Where have you been? haha

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Guys, I can never get Renlist to work. It NEVER worked for me. I just use Rencorner and MPF forums to get the Ip addresses and use the Renegade Launcher http://cncnet.org/files/renlauncher.exe to connect.


If you give me the Ip addresses and the ports I will jump on the regular Renegade Servers with you guys.



i used to just get the ip addresses to Renegade games using this page https://cncnet.org/renegade-servers but it's been down lately and no one has fixed it yet even tho I brought it up to their attention plenty of times. :-(

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