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GameFront / Filefront is CLOSING DOWN

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ModDB is leading the charge to save as many mods as we can. We all have until the end of the month to archive everything we might hold dear or miss in the future. It's a real shamge, I feel horrible knowing that I have only a short period of time to think hard about what I need for my older games.

For anyone in need of assistance, I found the ghost of the old Filefront system which you can browse and find the stuff you want, then search for it via GameFront to see if it's still available for download. Remember, there's also the C&C Files section that will be going down, so please help preserve everything you can. Use things like online archives to access the rest of the Filefronts that are listed in the lower right sidebar of the one I just linked.



Good luck to everyone with digital things to save! Many long-lost C&C mods could still be rescued.

Spread the word out!

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I've sent a quick note of this to CNCNZ.com as well. Hopefully everyone chips in. Not just regarding old C&C maps and mods, but a lot of the other games too. It's like we're loosing a big chunk of gaming history a lot of us grew up with and learned to edit/make games with.

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Can't we use a grabber which tries to list everything from the server and download them?
I did it once eta 10 Years ago to have a small copy from wikipedia but I don't know how it work today.


I'll try to download as much a possible but I can only hold up to 2TB, enough for all cnc stuff?


Call me what you want but I written everyone from gamefront an eMail, asking for ftp access with read rights.

Maybe they can help me/us in someway ...

Edited by AntiVirGear
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Considering ModDB is giving the option to send them things we recover for them to continue hosting them as far as I understood them, we have some options on the table. The big secondary objective is to spread this around as much as possible, make sure everyone knows whats happening if you have friends or are in communities around the web. Don't hesitate because this is really only one chance to save as much as we can.

15 days remaining. I've set a whole day aside to search through every filefront I used to use and grab as much stuff I hold dear as I can. I guess that's also true for W3D games with older versions of maps and assets probably being uploaded around there. Whatever your cases might be - help everyone out.

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Archive.org doesn't behave well with the actual download handling from FileFront because the download system on the old FileFront network was pretty borked (as was, realistically, everything technically related to it). Also, finding a file page that was actually stored of the millions is the mother of all Russian roulettes.


I've put some links here, get salvaging before it's too late.

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In my situation, I have many Terabytes of "cold storage" currently available to me (I'm a computer technician and I have a TON of hard drives ok? :p ). If anyone manages to hit the motherlode here but doesn't quite have a place to put it all, let me know. I might not be able to get it all put up publicly on the internet ASAP, but at least it won't be lost.




Call me what you want but I written everyone from gamefront an eMail, asking for ftp access with read rights.

Maybe they can help me/us in someway ...


And you! PLEASE let me know if you get it haha. I'll help grab some stuff. In fact, let all of us know! :D

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I'm in a tough position where I don't have a lot of extra storage space but need tons of stuff from Battlefront 2, Dawn of War, C&C, the STALKER series, Joint Operations... crap. I really hope people other than the few of us come through and just rehost the whole thing somewhere. We really need a site like filefront where you can look up and share these things as a central modding point. I think that if nobody remembers to backup things like classics such as The Movies, all of that good game addon stuff might be lost and then there will be no finding them in the future.

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Break Media (today merged into Defy Media) was part of why GameFront was in terrible shape. Even prior to the purchase, things were pretty bad on FileFront, and even though Break saved them from closing in 2010, they did next to nothing to bring them back to their feet. The network deteriorated and sections were left unmanaged, and minor attempts at YouTubing were made, but didn't help. The Escapist is also owned by today's Defy Media, and their current video production is comprised only of Yahtzee Croshaw, while I hope the rest of their website makes up for that (don't actually follow them).

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I'm told this has actually happened: the Archive Team has been doing much of the archiving work since the FileFront network went down last year. Curiously, I tried to use Archive.org for testing whether I can get some files through there, and the Download Now button would be unclickable. Guess you have to pinpoint a file and a recent-enough date to get what you need.


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Okay, so I know a lot of the popular stuff like Battlefront's filefront files are beign taken care of, but I've yet to see an internet wide checklist of who is actively working to preserve what. The closest I've seen is Plokite_Wolf's WIP list. If anyone finds such an overview so we can see what less popular filefronts known communities still haven't taken care of, that would be appreciated.

Any info if the old Elder Scrolls filefronts are getting saved by anyone?


I also have to either check or do it myself for the STALKER games, The Movies and Delta Force titles like Joint Operations. Oh and Company of Heroes stuff like older patches PRIOR to when they removed LAN (argh!).

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Oh and Company of Heroes stuff like older patches PRIOR to when they removed LAN (argh!).

You needn't worry about those.


You still have time to get them from Patches-Scrolls.de (note that the humongous ones include the next expansion's content, only locked).




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A bit stuck because of midterms, but I'm definitely not out. Count on me for Westwood titles. I've salvaged some Starfleet Command mods (even found the original author of some of them, and gave control of the pages to him), as well as C&C titles up to TS Firestorm. I still want to sweep some obscure tools from there in my next pass before I focus on RA2/YR.

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I haven't started yet since my storage is overflowing. I've set aside a whole day or two in the following week to do what I can and I'll be targeting less popular filefronts such as certain Novalogic sections, The Movies, the STALKER series and some other stuff to start with. I've been checking up on what to leave to others such as the Battlefront stuff which already has an operation under way. I'm more or less still freeing up space. Not sure what to target regarding C&C yet. Will look into Jedi Knight things as well and anything else I see myself needing for older games, the good stuff in any case. Dawn of War too.

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I never said I'd cover most of it (if you re-trace my posts), I just happened to get lucky and cover from RA3 to TW in backwards order :p


My priorities were always TD-YR, which are done, and certain SFC games, which I hoped to cover more.


I'm underway with Renegade, Tore covered some Zero Hour mods. The rest of Gen/ZH will be kaputt, I just hope FilesNation, Archive.org and Gamefront.online covered it :/

Edited by Plokite_Wolf
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