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Good Evening @all. I'm currently updating the Wiki/Confluence for Interim Apex and have since been putting quite some useful information. However i'm asking anyone and everyone who loves to take photos for some help if you're down. Basically i'm creating a map guide and in doing so will need some sexy photos of every map. If you're good at taking photos and want to contribute then please by all means post below what you got! Good photos may be included in the Tacitus (Our wiki) if you've got the skills.

All i request if interested is that the photos do not include the HUD and take in as much of the map as it can/a special part that makes the map distinct. Furthermore these photos should focus solely on the map itself and not any units in combat. Happy shooting!

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To disable the hud:

  1. Press tilde ~ on the top-left of your keyboard (under escape) to open the console at the top-left of your screen
  2. Type in hud and press enter

You may also want to hide your FPS reading with the fps command, if you have it enabled.

To remove the weapon you are carrying from the screen: select remote C4 and throw all of them.  The 'no ammo' model for remote C4 is nothing, so you won't have anything obscuring your screenshots.

Just make sure not to die from your own C4 mid-screenshot 30 seconds later.

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On 6/28/2019 at 3:34 PM, F00ker said:

I'd be very carefull if i were you aaaaaaaa

Theres a fine line when a bit of Banter becomes insulting and Derogatory


not with Triple a or (aaaaa) he does it on a daily basis on  forums and needs to have his topics reviewed by a mod if this continues because it's getting annoying seeing the same crap about oh this dude a so-called quote-unquote "N00b and needs to be told that he sucks and needs to die" or something its stupid I tried telling him to stop because I'm sick and tired of it so I mean do you walk up to the guy at the hot dog stand and tell him that his hotdogs are shitty when you haven't even heard of how good or bad they are??? no, you try them you see how good they are you can't judge something before you have seen it or tried it. what I mean is he doesn't know these people and he's calling for bans and everything sooner or later something is gonna happen and someone might get banned when they haven't done any wrong and it has happened before but this time it might be because of (aaaaaa) I can see this happen it might happen one day I bet you, this has to stop or it might get out of hand: one way or another something bad might happen to him or to someone in this community because of (aaaaaa) all because he loses or something. Something must be done now before a disaster happens that includes mods and admins and what not.       

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