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[Game Over - Town Victory] Pokemafia 2


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Just now, TheIrishman said:

Umm it does matter because as of Gen 2 burn damage hits at the end of the turn >.>


Yeah, but going back and doing it wouldn't have killed him, and it would have just been healed by full restore.

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2 hours ago, Shade939 said:

I don't really need the training as much since now I don't have to actually worry about a completely one-sided fight with my Heracross in it vs. a legendary flying pokemon.

Same. I guess cat5 gets to use all four of his coins on himself. 

Please minimize item passing everyone. I'm also interested in hearing Irish's reasoning for why his eggs were cracked.

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Alright, I'll hold off tonight then. I can't use it on myself, but if I don't use it tonight, I can use it tomorrow. I don't have a good option for Lapras right now, so hopefully one of you two do.

Shade, I do need healing on Hitmonchan again. I have no potions left to do it myself.

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Game End

Theirishman walks out into the conference room with his hands up.  He's turning himself in!  He was Gym Leader Blaine, and he was MAFIA!



The survivors are as follows:

Catagory 5 Hurricane - Day Care Man


Retaliation - Gym Leader Lt. Surge


Shade939 - Nurse Joy


Links to Docs:

Scum Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gv447cwGv2UlOA7i9LBIKjx7dnz1VEMDAn0MHzZShEw/edit

Dead Doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iG9cRKtQUVOp3iPkzzq5-nlJ7rJknDAfwsQcoQbhW-g/edit

Radio Show - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D0CuThmqVyg-lDJva9mkJM0Ewy9k1ZHCqVpNunQanmQ/edit

Thoughts and awards post will follow.

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Other info - RNG Charts

Item Charts


1-10  Potion
11-25 Super Potion
26-35 Hyper Potion
36-45 Antidote
46-55 Paralyze Heal
56-65 Burn Heal
66-75 Ice Heal
76-90 Full Heal
91-100 Full Restore
101-110 Awakening


1-10 Berry
11-20 Gold Berry
21-30 Miracle Berry
31-40 Mint Berry
41-50 Burnt Berry
51-60 Ice Berry
61-70 Bitter Berry
71-80 PRZCureBerry
81-90 PSNCureBerry
91-180 Type Item
181-200 Leftovers


1-10 X Attack
11-20 X Defense
21-30 X Special Attack
31-40 X Speed
41-50 X Accuracy
51-60 Dire Hit
61-70 Guard Spec

Egg Chart

1-10 Togepi
11-20 Mew
21-30 Mewtwo
31-45 Legendary beasts
46-60 Legendary birds
61-70 Lugia
71-80 Ho-Oh
81-90 Celebi
91-100 Larvitar
101-110 Dratini
111-120 Other Baby

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This was typed up in advance, as I think of things, so it might be a bit disjointed.


The first thing I want to mention is this game might have overpowered scum, even though they didn't win. Check out the info at the top of the scum doc for more on that. That was something of a deliberate design choice, but I thought it would specifically be countered by town figuring out who's town and who's scum early on. I thought most town abilities were obviously town, and would get claimed and verified quickly, whereas scum would have to lie and possibly get caught. That most certainly did NOT happen. While it was unexpected, and possibly breaks game balance, I think at the very least it was still entertaining. Furthermore the focus on investigations right away was a bit unexpected as well, I expected some normal battles to crop up in between them as a way for scum to sow discord. I had also assumed that scum would use their powers more, which turned out to not be the case.


There were several key junctures where the game could have swung back the other way, in no particular order:


  1. Killing_You succeeding at the first two investigations – Given the first one took a few attempts to get right, it wasn't a given that scum would get the first investigation and muddy the waters. They had specifically been told they could muddy the waters if they did an investigation, but it took until the third attempt to nominate one of them, and it just so happened that was the one that succeeded. If Retal didn't get crit on take two the game might have gone significantly differently. Likewise getting two in a row was a big blow to town, and while there was a push to get KY off the second investigation, it probably should have been more forceful/raised more suspicion.


2) Meowth being used as evidence that KY is town – I'd already said once that that type of stuff was just fluff. I don't like repeating myself, and really, unless directly asked, I shouldn't intervene. The 3rd investigation's "rocket might not even recognize themselves" was designed to counter this, but made things even crazier.


  1. The first double battle being 4 townies – This was another pivitol moment where scum came out entirely unscathed. Not much to say about it, other than this seriously weakened town, while also providing scum with a lot of kills for their special power pool. For that matter, I'll add, the fact that it took so long to get a double battle. Double battles increase in likelyhood the longer you go without one, but still, the first waited the maximum amount of time before occuring! That said... later double battles... I think the game would have ended faster if both scum were placed on the same team. Town was definitely capable of winning said battles, but seemed to shy away from it.


  1. Crits in general. It's almost like the universe had it out for certain people. That actually led to one award down below, for surviving RNGesus. I should also note that by default the tool Jeod created has crits set to 20%, but I did indeed turn it down to the standard 6.25% chance. I think the game really came down to this. A lot of the pivitol moments scum had advantage, but in the end they were screwed over.


  1. Piggybacking off that last reference, the choice to revive Houndoom was an excelent one. At the time nobody could have known a dark type would be vital, but it was.


  1. Even though Shade threw away his Snorlax (which at one point I think doomed town), he survived with 2 pokemon. I think taking him out would have been a big benefit to scum. He can only heal every other night, scum can arson every night. Granted there are healing items, but by looking at the RNG tables I've posted, you'll see actually getting good healing items was something of a chore. Normally pushing the doctor would have been hard, but... it's Shade... That does bring me to the next point though.


7) Most everyone was really lucky with item shopping. Some people had accumulated 3 Full Restores, and though they weren't needed, that was quite the inventory to have! Several people also got really lucky with type boosting items. That process was semi-random, where you were assured an item that you could at least use, but given most rosters that was still a large range of types. A lot of people got the one they were specifically looking for 1st or 2nd try.





Anywho, here are some individual awards:


Be Bold Award – Killing_You, for claiming to be the origin of moo moo milk.


Hydra Award – Shade, for having good points but failing to put them into coherent sentences. It would be fun to play a Hydra game with you.


Math Whiz Award – Cat 5, who despite usually being on the ball, forgot what night his Sandshrew evolved. It provided extra drama right when the game needed it. Bonus points for owning up to the mistake instead of doubling down though. This could have become a major push on Brigitte and changed the entire game, but it didn't.


Very Fitting Award – Sunflower, for picking Sunkern/Sunflora.


The Spiciest Memelord – Brigitte/Cat 5 – Joint award. Brigitte's meme game was on point, but holy cow, that egg joke Cat 5.


Top Town – None.... At first it was going to be Shade, for getting things right when Jeod doubted him... but then around Day 8 Shade went off the rails and started getting things wrong.


Employee of the Month: Irish, for overall putting in a lot of hard effort.


Not Today, Scum!: Retaliation – for getting barreled over by a crit and almost being eliminated from the game many times, but still surviving to the end.


And then, what I'd do differently:


Rebalance investigations - I'm actually quite happy with them, given they were added less than 24 hours before game start. All I did was take the unused player slots, assign that character a location, then looked up what their most iconic pokemon was (or use some sluthing to figure out what they might have if not actually battled in game), and throw them in, with the reward for beating them being the use of their powers, which were sometimes randomly used by RNG before anyone unlocked them.


Investigations were supposed to be a tool to assist, not the focus of the game, but they wound up becoming the focus of the game.


Go even more all in on powers – One thing I didn't like about PM1 was the lack of traditional mafia abilities, so I added them. However, I think I could have done a better job. It would have led to more traditional mafia mystery solving, like I wanted with the last point I think, and overall balance might have been better. In my defense, however, it was really hard getting the game down to 7 players from the 10-11 originally planned, and that threw a big wrench in things.


Levels – I don't know how, but I'd probably rework this. I think it was fun and served it's purpose, but it could have been better.


I'll probably have more thoughts later, but this is what stuck out to me over the course of the game.

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The random legendaries were definitely pushing things considering how they would make Scum even harder to kill in battle, which is the only way Town could actaully deal with them.

Also, I was really expecting the following move pools on Rocket's legendaries.



Sacred Fire








Thunder Punch

Plus it only cost a coin to swap out what stat boosting defense Mewtwo would have once it reached level 50.

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