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Renegade FDS Server Help


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Hi, so i want to host my own server for CnC Renegade. This is something i haven't done in about a decade now and would like to know how to get it online. Either starting from scratch or how to update the old one to make it compatible with the latest version of Renegade and display on Renlist or the W3D server list. All help would be greatly appreciated.

Attached is a screenshot of the old server FDS console running at the present time. Probably last run about 9 years ago.


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The issue is, the server isn't showing up on Renlist. Is it the patch outdate that's preventing it from showing or could it be something completely different?


It's not showing any errors, so it should be showing on the list. But for some reason it doesn't even acknowledge that the server is being run, does anyone have any idea why?

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3 hours ago, Doctor699 said:

Still not showing up on W3D hub list or Renlist. A couple more shots of the console. Perhaps it's the version it's running?

This is running with the Dragonade scripts.dll



Are your ports open?

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21 hours ago, unknown said:

Are your ports open?

As unknown said, your ports are probably closed.

Go to da.ini, and you will find a Entry called "GameSpyQueryPort", you should open the value of this entry.

If not, you should change "EnableGameSpy" value to "1", if you are not using GameSpy mode in server.ini

But I'd recommend you to use Dragonade's GSA feature, as it sends more data about server.

Edited by The Unstoppable
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the port in DA.ini should NOT be opened it's the port used for remote access (in SSGM this is the port in SSGM.ini) to the server for the bot (reading logs mainly but can also be used to send commands to the server)

the ports you need to open are in server.ini make sure the port that is set there is open (this is the port so players can join), the GameSpyQueryPort is open this is the port used by the server so the gamespy master list knows what servers are online player count etc. which is what's not working right now. lastly the gamespyport must be the same as the port defined in server.ini else gamespy players can't join as it will broadcast the wrong port


this might help you too https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/wiki/index.php?title=Server_owner_guide


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the config files seem fine. so that's not it you could try the default GSAquery port and after like a few min if it appeared.

also the serial only matters for XWIS so don't worry about that.

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On 4/30/2020 at 11:52 PM, triattack said:

the port in DA.ini should NOT be opened it's the port used for remote access (in SSGM this is the port in SSGM.ini) to the server for the bot (reading logs mainly but can also be used to send commands to the server)

the ports you need to open are in server.ini make sure the port that is set there is open (this is the port so players can join), the GameSpyQueryPort is open this is the port used by the server so the gamespy master list knows what servers are online player count etc. which is what's not working right now. lastly the gamespyport must be the same as the port defined in server.ini else gamespy players can't join as it will broadcast the wrong port


this might help you too https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/wiki/index.php?title=Server_owner_guide


Actually the GameSpyQueryPort= in DA.ini should be open if using DA's GameSpy.

The GameSpyQueryPort= in server.ini doesn't need to be open at the same time.

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10 hours ago, Doctor699 said:

Thank you Tri, i tried the default port, however it still isn't showing. Can i get you on discord sometime to go through this?

If your ISP puts you in a CGN (Carrier-Grade NAT), which is going popular, you have no chance of opening public server. You should get in contact with your ISP to fix this. Additionally if you want to check if you are in CGN, go your router interface, if the WAN IP (generally starts with 100. or 10. for CGN) shown here and a IP service like http://whatismyip.com is NOT the same, you are in a CGN.


=== If you are sure you are not in a CGN network, try steps below. ===


Often, installed antivirus may prevent you from hosting your own server. Try disabling it for test purposes.

Make sure your GSA port is opened as UDP. And if you are using "GameType" in "server.ini" as "GameSpy", open "GameSpyQueryPort" in "server.ini" as "UDP" in router interface. If you are using "EnableGameSpy" in "da.ini" as "1", open "GameSpyQueryPort" in "da.ini" as UDP in router interface. DO NOT have both of them GameSpy, as this may result showing your server twice in listing. I recommend you to leave "GameType" in "server.ini" to "LAN", and use the "da.ini" GameSpy feature.

Make sure your game port is opened as UDP.

Edited by The Unstoppable
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3 hours ago, Doctor699 said:

I'm not in a CGN, and i've tried running with the antivirus and firewalls off, but it's still not listing. I've tried what you said Unstoppable, i don't know what else to do. This is all becoming very discouraging. :(

If the "Firewall" you meant is not the firewall at "W F.msc" (without space and quote), so open it and try turning all profiles off temporarily. If that fixes, you can add rules to allow Renegade ports.

Edited by The Unstoppable
War Factory?? wth
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That's me, Unknown diagnosed and resolved it, thank you everyone here for your help as well. The problem wasn't the firewall, but multiple connections, like wireless adapter, vpn, LAN, and that kind of thing. It needed a linear path i guess. Anyway i'm very grateful :) You're all welcome on anytime.

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