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[Game Over: Town Victory] Star Trek: Away Team

Message added by Shade939,
Victory Condition
Loyalist: Three of Three points

Separatist: Zero of Three points


Master Game Sheet

Scum Doc

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Night One

After a day spent debating the merits of the various surviving officers and their loyalty, you have decided to dispatch a small continent of officers consisting solely of Jeod who will be accompanied by the ever loyal Townbot. It should be a simple task for Jeod to accomplish the mission with Townbot to assist him, and you can only assume that Jeod would have been secretly working with the Separatist if the mission failed. But for now, you can only wait upon the USS Explorer and hope that your decision to send Jeod and Townbot to deal with the current mission objective will not jeopardize the future of the Federation and Valden II.


Now, if a Separatist is on the away team. They will be given the choice to Sabotage the mission causing it to fail and stealing the point from the Loyalist.

If you have any actions at all, this is when you are allowed to use them, and the result of those actions will be announced at day start in 24 hours.

As usual, during the night phase players are limited to two post per player in the thread, and the game will move on to day two in 24 hours.

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57 minutes ago, Louis said:

Ohhhhhh, I so get the game play now!!

Yeah, it's a different game style from the usual mafia games, but still isn't complicated, and shares many similarities with mafia so you can largely play them while using the same tactics.

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Day Two

Mission accomplished red square grunge stamp on white ⬇ Vector Image by ©  Aquir014b | Vector Stock 85489602

Jeod and Townbot return to the ship after successfully completing the mission assigned to them. Unfortunately though, upon returning to the ship Jeod triggered the ships medical alarms, prompting him to be relocated directly to quarantine in Medbay. Following standard Star Fleet regulations, Jeod has been prohibited from leaving the ship until he undergoes a full day under medical obeservation without showing any symptoms, in order to protect the rest of the crew from whatever unknown contaminate he was exposed to. Still though, at least Townbot was unaffected, and you were able to complete your mission without serious incident, and it's not like Jeod can't provide his input on today's mission from Medbay.


Jeod cannot be nominated for the Away Team today.

Away Team requirements for today's mission have been increased to Three Away Team Members.

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23 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

So is this something that happens every time or did Jeod just get unlucky?

I will at least clarify that this is a result of player night actions. There are no GM events that'll effect game play.

Unless you mean the Mission Requirements, which will change every day.

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I thought something like this might happen, does change the calculus somewhat.

I suggest townbot, Louis, and Mojo.  They're the only two I'd say I'm even slightly sus of (not that there are any reads in this game yet really), and if by chance they *both* happen to be baddies, I don't think scum would sabotage when both are nominated.

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1 minute ago, Louis said:

So if we found out who the Separestists are we can't get rid of them, we just don't want to vote them for the mission right?

Pretty much, although Separatist don't have to Sabotage a mission, as long as they can still Sabotage three other Away Missions.

As long as they gain three points at the end, they can be on every mission and only bother to Sabotage the last three of them.

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4 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

I thought something like this might happen, does change the calculus somewhat.

I suggest townbot, Louis, and Mojo.  They're the only two I'd say I'm even slightly sus of (not that there are any reads in this game yet really), and if by chance they *both* happen to be baddies, I don't think scum would sabotage when both are nominated.

hahah I've barely said anything and I'm already sus to you. What are the chances that you're a Separatists?

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