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Showing most liked content on 02/20/2015 in all areas

  1. As some of you know I've made Cats, Deer, and Bears for Renegade, now I'm moving to make Dogs. Unlike the previous animals I actually except that some other mods on this engine might want to make use of these. I've made the run animation so far; however, (as much as I'll probably hate myself for doing this) I'd like to ask what you guys think of it so far, this is the state when tweaking the animation is easiest, give it a few more days and I'll be a huge pain in the ass to change. Just keep in mind that my skills at animating are quite limited, so don't expect everything suggested to be fixed. Added crouch and walk animations. Added strafing, jumping, and aiming tilt animations.
  2. UPDATE 2019 CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF TIBERIAN DAYLIGHT ___________________________________________________________________________ ORIGINAL POST: I've already posted this on CNCNZ's forums, so I'll just copy that info over here in order to avoid having to rewrite everything and/or sending all of you to an external site. To anyone who didn't notice the option, click here to view the first episode in full resolution. So, what do you think? Any feedback is highly appreciated!
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  3. Depends what you want to do and where you're aiming to do it. I'm a programmer (£22.5k a year atm, graduated last year with 1st class honors) and unless you're a prodigy and have an absolutely amazing portfolio you need to have a degree. It's also not worth going past a Bachelors degree unless you just want to learn more or cover a bad Bachelors grade with a better masters grade, or you just want to stay at university for another year .
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  4. I can relate to that mauler. I have fun tinkering with stuff
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  6. Welcome back wally. I was worried if i'd ever see you back in the big seat again. Im glad that day has finally come For you. Now we can get some real progress done
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