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Showing most liked content on 09/12/2015 in all areas

  1. You guys asked, and your wish has been granted! Come play TS: Reborn with a HUGE amount of players this Sunday (13th September) at 9pm BST! Hello citizens of W3D Hub! Since you were asking for a game night of Tiberian Sun: Reborn, your wish has been corrupted granted! What does that mean? It means a lot of the W3D Hub staff will be playing ingame and we invite you guys to play with us. One thing is guaranteed: lots of fire and explosions! Where to download Reborn? Download and install Tiberian Sun: Reborn using the W3D Hub launcher. This can also download any future updates for the game. When the download is complete, go to the server browser and join the official server. For a detailed guide how to use the launcher, click here. When is the event?! Hop on the TSR game server on Sunday (13th September). The exact time is: 9pm BST / 4pm ET / 3pm CT / 1pm PT As it is a global event, some of you might be confused with the exact time. You can always see the current BST time HERE. Compare it with your current time. Alternatively, there is another time/timezone converter here (convert the 9pm BST time to your zone). If you feel like listening in, connect to our Teamspeak server at ts.w3dhub.com. We'll be there. And you?
  2. Hey everyone. Welcome to the update. I'm a bit tired from working non-stop this week, so I will make this quick. Update has just been uploaded. We will be pushing it onto the launcher shortly, and will be updated the server when that happens. This is a smaller patch, but with a big change: Completely Redid Veterancy as Follows: Veteran 5% ROF/Reload buff Health/armor buff Elite 10% Damage buff Self-Healing Special Ability (If applicable) Note: Veterancy does not apply to pistols (except the Spy's pistol) Updated effects to newer versions by Fabian (Fixes a large amount of bugs with existing effects) Enforcer now immune to fall damage at elite, and health increased from 150/100 to 175/150. Anti-Vehicle infantry now carry a limited pistol. Veterancy Changes These veterancy changes are intended to make things more fair for both teams and remove a large amount of the gimmicky aspects that were either useless or overpowered. Ion Ammunition and Tiberium Ammunition have been cut entirely for most infantry, only the Mutant Hijacker and Toxin trooper have Tiberium Ammunition. These changes do need feedback, so we do hope to see your feedback on our forums. However, this definitely should remove any overpowered aspect of the veterancy system. Game Night We are hosting a game night this Sunday at 20:00 GMT (16:00 EDT for Americans out there) and you can be assured that the developers will definitely be there playing with our players. This does not just include the TSR Devs; we also have AR, ECW, and BfD developers incoming to play some TSR. Moonsense715 additionally pulled out all the stops for this one and even attracted some new members by notifying people about the game night on Facebook and even some posts around the C&C community. I hope to see many of you there, because it will probably be a blast. Game Update information and Changelog! Also: Game Night!
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  3. And so we're open for tester hiring again! Check out the article for more details! Hello citizens of W3D Hub! It's that time of the year again, time to hire new testers. Except this time, you will not have to worry about a deadline. We're open for applications for pretty much until the end. How do you apply? Simply follow this link!
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  4. Actually an interesting idea, but something that needs to be tested extensively. Not going into the patch. As for the enforcer, I do agree it does need more armor. Two changes for the unit: It is now immune to fall damage at elite rank He now has 175/150 health instead of 150/100 health, both to buff his armor and match other high tier units.
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  5. Its defenately a unit which needs some good skill. You need to make headshots to be effective. Just hitting the body does nearly no damage which is good, as its a hitscan weapon. Its weaponrange is quite short, so vehicles are able to escape this unit. So approaching to the enemy vehicles should be done smart, especially if you have the jetpack addition. Oveall its a nice and needed addition to the GDI arsenal. A idea to encourage more teamplay against cyborgs and vehicles: Maybe its possible to give Disk throwers EMP discs which slow down cyborgs and vehicles for some seconds, but does less damage. So this will help enforcer to headshot cyborgs and get vehicles before escaping.
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  6. Well it was stated that it's a placeholder.
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