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  1. He wanted to get a full life out of it. So he made two halves.
  2. This seems like something most people will have an opinion on! What're your favourite 3 games of all time? What about your favourite game universes/visuals? Or your favourite gameplays? How about your favourite games for their story? Mine: All time: Fallout: New Vegas Rise of Legends Bioshock Universes/visuals: Rise of Legends Bioshock Infinite Metro 2033 Redux Gameplay: Rise of Nations Age of Empires 3 Anno 1404 Stories: Bioshock Deus Ex: Human revolution Half life 2
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  3. Killing You listed Half life twice. Do you like it that much? o.O
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  4. Ever try the Discovery server? A few years ago, I started out as an Outcast, and worked my way around the "bad parts" of the map, then switched sides, joined the Order and farmed Outcasts in the Tau systems as easy targets - that got my reputation up with almost 2/3 of the whole universe. Oh and man, that music in the Gallia systems! I hope you like the race mission in Bretonia during the campaign.
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  5. Holy F***, a fellow Freelancer!
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  6. I use both depending on my mood. I consider the derp gun a decent gun, but unreliable. The 76mm is reliable and can be counted on.
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  7. Greetings My username is Bashar, you can call me Rob if you like. I'm here to keep an eye on the Battle for Dune work! Very excited.
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  8. Bashar is a name I keep reverting to whenever I can, it's a rank among the Imperial Sardaukar in the Dune universe. Sardaukar are the most feared fighting force in the universe, and how the Emperor maintains his power. Bashars are pretty high up in the ranks On steam I'm Wizard Cat, mainly because of this video: There's nothing more scary than Wizard Cat.
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  9. Some pretty good ones up here All time: 1: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (don't groan, there's just a certain magic to this game that I love!) 2: Emperor: Battle for Dune 3: Fallout: New Vegas, yes sir. Universes 1: Emperor: Battle for Dune (you can tell I like Dune right?) 2: The STALKER series (based on the book Roadside Picnic, love it) 3: Fallout Gameplay - no honest answers for you! Strangely it doesn't figure into what i like about games. Story 1: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 2: Bioshock Infinite 3: Anything with the G man in it.
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  10. Metal Gearraarararararhhrr Deus Ex Mass Effect
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  11. This is a really hard question for me and I've listed some of my top choices. I have a lot more, but have really tried to narrow it down to just the really favorite ones. They're packed in groups which go together in either genre, game type or something else along those lines (I didn't really pay much attention to the categorization, actually). I've just jotted these down from the top of my head, so there are definitely more options I could put down. So, in retrospect, I like a lot of things. A lot of variety in there by the looks of it. If anyone wants to know more, or what specific atmospheres I enjoy the most, hit me up in private because I tend to talk a lot about the emotional bond I have with various game settings. In short, I mostly prefer and enjoy a lot of story-driven experiences with good character development in a lot of forms.
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