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Showing most liked content on 10/27/2015 in all areas

  1. lol at the Avat(A)r I can almost hear it, "El problem, PREDA... oh wait, your not a NOD vehicle... err... well this is embarrassing... let me just re-attach your turret there" (Puts turret back on tank) "see good as new, bit of polish and no one will ever know"
  2. C&C Reloaded is for RA2, also it is not complete. http://www.moddb.com/mods/cncreloaded I haven't seen much progress for it in a while.
  3. "Added back some quality" to the top half and fixed that damn typo.
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  4. Shame...that was one of my favorite mods too...though after installing it....I have to call some major bullshit that I saw...the AI built several CyComs and Chitzkois....and were treating it as it if was any other soldier...
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  5. Introducing a new and improved poster with JPG artifacts that are clear as day!
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  6. I also recall a couple of mods as well. Though no guarantees about them. For Zero Hour, there's C&C All Stars that has the generals universe, the RA, universe and tiberium universe fighting with each other. There was another mod, though I can't remember the name of it, was that it had both major factions from RA2 and TS in one mod with everything fully integrated. Such as GDI/Nod infantry can garrison buildings, Nod tick tanks and arty can deploy, Chrono and War miners could gather tiberium. That sort of thing. Just wish I could remember the name of it....I think it was C&C Reloaded.
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  7. There's this: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ Or, if you're using Windows, you can just activate an extra clock and set it to UTC.
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