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Showing most liked content on 10/31/2015 in all areas

  1. Well no, but just thought I'd let you know...or you'd look all silly with the "prase Kane" there
  2. Some of you might know that I develop video games for the U.S. Army. Here's a sampling of some of the work I've created: F-16C Falcon/Viper (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my UDK environment designed for I/ITSEC 2014 here in Orlando. F/A-18E Super Hornet (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my quick mockup of Nellis Air Force Base for I/ITSEC 2014. Uses models from other members of my team. The environment (terrain modeling and texture painting) was developed by me, but the structures and terrain textures (with the exception of the taxiway markings) are work that my team developed. I've got a variety of ~20,000 polygon game-quality models and low-poly Renegade-like models I can put up here if anyone is interested. The more I dig through my old office work the more likely it is that I'll update my portfolio. Which, of course, I haven't touched since 2011.
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  3. Well I woke up this morning to find 3 people in the TSR server so i joined, and in a couple matches several more had joined and its been around 10 people for a few hours now! I had to leave for a bit but everyone thats been wanting a good match with a larger number, jump in now!
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  4. Happy All Hallows Eve everyone!
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  5. How many simultaneous in-game players does it take to get other people interested to join? I've been playing 1v1 and 1v0 for 2-3 maps straight and still no one joined.
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  6. It's been a while since I updated this thread, so have fun with some animated *.GIFs
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  7. Wow. I always wished to have a dream where I pop into one of the C&C universes, but it never happened so far. Or at least I don't remember it. Usually I remember my dreams in the morning and then tell my father about it that makes him laugh and starts our day
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  8. Volkswagen T2. I built everything here. Three exterior 2048x maps (one for each variant), one 1024x interior map, one 1024x wheel map
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  9. Those are some nice vehicles.
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  10. Min F/A-18E flyvemaskine model på svensk farver.
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  11. I was going to remake all of the APB buildings until my offerings of free help were denied consistently. They're still using my 11 year old buildings as a consequence of that decision. As a result, I ended up making a good chunk of the TD buildings. If I were ever to continue that trend, I'd have to remake all of the vehicles. Here's the MRLS I painted at work. It's someone else's model, however, but you get the texture style I'd be going for with this project. I wouldn't be able to reuse this vehicle, though, as it's US government property now.
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  12. Some old stuff I'm planning to send to Reborn, and potentially to someone here who's planning on building a Tiberian Dawn conversion that actually goes somewhere I imagine some of this will need some retexturing to fix up portions of it
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  13. I still have a huge chunk of work left to post here, including the models I'm planning to donate to Rebarn's cause That being said, here's another project I forgot to add. This is in UDK as well. It's the backwoods of George Washington's Mount Vernon. My in-laws took us up there a couple of years ago and I created a digital version of it for them to have as a canvas print in their living room. Here's the final image: Here it is hanging up in their house, $60 and many months of work later:
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  14. I dug through some of my images from last November and found the rest of the screen captures from my I/ITSEC Nellis environment, including a nice close-up of the completely overdetailed taxiway lamp I started this whole project with: I think it turned out alright considering I only had about a week and a half to create that environment, and part of that was spent creating the F-16C animation sequence which was for an entirely different animation at the trade show. As far as other models are concerned, I was asked to model a Rheinmetall MG3 for the Leopard 2A6 tank another team member built. Again, I went a bit crazy with this one. It's a relatively minor feature on the tank, but I spent a week creating a 2.4 million polygon model which I baked down to a 5k low-res model. This used my copy of Quixel Suite. There's a lot of details missing on the gun that wouldn't be seen in the game environment, so I saved time and didn't model those parts. High-res, WIP version:
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