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Showing most liked content on 02/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Certainly doable since Hostile Water's buildings are baked into terrain like regular base buildings, but use a duplicate hidden mesh for in-game targeting and game logic. The big question is, would you want to do that? I think not. Besides, that's really threading into AR territory, and base capture is their thing. "Tech buildings" (I don't like that word or the concept) rarely make sense. Abandoned, map-specific capturable objectives make more sense, but only if the map setting supports it, and even then, only if the gameplay benefits from it. I didn't add the abandoned buildings to HW for a laugh, they tie into the map gameplay plot and do impact gameplay immensely. Would I use the same buildings on other maps? No, that'd be cheap and make less sense. Would I design new capturable objectives for maps that make sense for this? Sure. Why think so small, though. There are plenty of other things you could set up for Engineers to do, such as toggling withdraw bridges in caves, repairing elevators, opening different passages in a map, etc.
  2. Another short patch has been released. Get the changelog in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone. This one is not going to have a long intro, as this is purely just a balance and bug fix patch. Changelog GENERAL A-Bomb impact timer raised from 55 to 60 seconds. A-Bomb flare arming time raised from 0.25 to 1 second. Gunboat/Volkov damage to surfaced naval units up by 11% (0.9 to 1.0) and submerged ones up by 25% (0.3 to 0.375). VEHICLES Destroyer turret can now rotate a full 360 degrees instead of 180. Gunboat turret's lower limit on vertical tilt loosened from -6.25 to -7.5 degrees. Gunboat now drops depth charges from the sides rather than behind. Attack Sub damage down from 75 to 70. MAD Tank health down from 500 to 400. Naval Transport health down from 250 to 200. AESTHETICS Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport radar dishes rotate now. Gunboat and Destroyer bob up and down slightly. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Cruisers actually shoot the Soviet base again instead of the ocean. RA_ForestOfIllusion: The boss takes double damage from shock rifles. RA_RidgeWar: Re-added Tesla Coil to the Soviet base in its 3.0 position, removed Flame Tower near its position. RA_RidgeWar: Re-arranged external flame towers to be less exploitable. RA_RidgeWar: Fixed floating turret at distant Allied service depot. RA_RidgeWar: AA gun at distant Allied service depot is actually centered on the roof of the shack now, which should make it less exploitable. RA_Wasteland: Fixed jukebox not being delayed. This patch is live on the launcher! Grab it now, and be on the lookout for more updates!
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  3. "Gunboat now drops depth charges from the sides rather than behind."
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  4. How did you if at all make it run under wine on Arch? thanks
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  5. I'm interested to know your reasons behind that opinion. Keep in mind I am not part of the current APB team so my opinion is my own. Sometime after Beta launched, an effort began to improve various art assets. Different design methods were created, and the template for future designs started to become more firm near Gamma's launch. This overal design style has not changed since then, so to change it again now, would in my opinion be compromising the present art direction. Hope that made sense, writing this post with a tired mind. That's an interesting viewpoint, but it has little to nothing to do with the art direction because the artists didn't decide how they wanted the camouflage to be implemented. The ability to choose your camo in the game is arguably a decision that was made by the game designers and leads at the time with little to no foresight on how that would affect the look of the game. My counter argument is that being able to choose your camo isn't a topic of the art direction at all, but one of how the designers and leads have chosen to implement the art in a way that allows players to compromise the art direction when playing the game. As for maps where more than one camo would be useful (i.e. Stormy Valley = forest + Urban) then yeah sure! If it fits then why not. My argument is against stuff like snow on forest and desert on snow combos. What is an art direction or game design choice ultimately matters little when APB never had, and never will have, a firm development structure. There is no design document or anything of that nature that declares anything about anything. What we're left with is just what we think of something as it currently exists. I merely gave a brief backstory into how the current state of things originated, as an argument towards claiming that changing anything about the current game, might change what the game actually is... A game that doesn't take itself extremely seriously. By making camos map specific, you make a step towards changing APB towards a game with a more serious tone. This is normally a design change and not an art direction change, but since the very subject covers art, is sort of would cover a grey area... If there was actually a design document, anyhow. Did I stop making sense by now? Good, that means we can drop this subject and get back to the more important subject; Snow camo Technicians on Pipeline.
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  6. Capturable structures (oil derricks, etc.), usable assets (Reward crates, pre-spawned Rangers/Supply Trucks like on some current maps, a 'pilotable' MG nest/AT gun position/AA battery, etc.), or even just more areas to take cover and mount a defence from (more trenches/foxholes, heavy vegetation, civilian buildings and ruins, small abandoned/destroyed bases, etc.), probably combined with the above two ideas would still be really cool to see. So far all the map revamps have been moving in the right direction with this, and I hope it continues.
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  7. I like Metro (and would like to see more urban maps in general), but the art direction needs a complete overhaul, ideally to look like a 1940's/50's European city, not downtown Los Angeles circa 1991. Also I'd love to see Canyon River and Camos Crossing come back, and of course, APB isn't really complete without the map which shares its name and is one of the most well-known maps in RA1. Okay, back on topic now.
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  8. Shallow Grave, Metro, Bunkers, A Path Beyond, Canyon River (I think that was the name)... Heck, all of 'em
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  9. Actually, when you infiltrate the radar dome as a spy, you will provide your team with free radar. you also get the best Soviet programming
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