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Showing most liked content on 02/29/2016 in all areas

  1. Happy Leap Year Day! It's been a while since we last did an update, though we do have a couple of new things for you guys to see. Come check it out! Hey everyone! It's been a while since we last did an update, so I just wanted to kick off this update by saying that hopefully from now on our news will be coming to you in smaller, but faster doses. This way we can provide regular updates and content drops and show you guys that we're actually working on stuff, rather than stockpiling it up in the back room to the point where it's overflowing. I've also just noticed that today only comes round once every 4 years, so Happy Leap year day! Anyway, here's a couple of new things for you guys to check out! Airforce Command HQ Build Animations moonsense715 has done a great job on bringing some life to the Allied Airforce Command HQ with some amazing work on the interior and Harrier construction animations. Take a look in this video below! Crates! Whether it be bonus cash, free vehicles or veterancy points, the humble crate will deliver. Romanov has done us proud with a great couple of models for the standard and water-based crate. Check out these great texture models below! You may have seen these without textures in our last update. More info on how crates will work in AR will be released when we talk about what surprised we want to put in them. Who knows, maybe the nasty nuke crate could resurface? That's it for now! That's it for this small update guys! Let us know if you want to get smaller, but more regular updates like this in the future and we'll try and keep up with your demands! Also, a Happy Birthday goes out to our resident Test Coordinator Nodlied! He turns a number of years old today! Wish him well guys!
  2. The new AfCHQ animations are truly one of the best building improvements so far. Now we need similar awesomeness for each building
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  4. ¬_¬ You know perfectly well that a hammer is a 51%+ majority vote that ends the day the moment a person receives a 51% majority of all available votes. Now piss off. Oh Gencamo!
  5. that was quite the aggressive MCT rip
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  6. Lynch 2 Result [Lynch Result] Players have decided that iLikeToSnipe is going to be lynched today! iLikeToSnipe, the Allied Engineer, will not help the Allies anymore! It seems the suspicions were correct. Congratulations, you have lynched the first scum! Don't slow now comrades, make the right decision tomorrow again, before more of our comrades are killed! NIGHT 2 After the lynch, the night falls soon. The Outpost staff is getting ready to sleep and Allies are planning a night kill right now. If you have any Plan Actions you want to perform during the Night, please send them now via PM before next Day starts! Night Guidelines During the Night - Plan Phase (24 hour duration), Allies will have to decide to kill a Soviet player. They must also decide who will make the kill. However, certain people in both the Allies and Soviets have special roles they can use during the night to kill, protect, disrupt, or gather information. Some roles carry a certain risk while others give a little more freedom. When the new Battle Phase begins, everyone will see who has died during the night and find out what side they were on and what role they had. Plan/Night actions are done classic way by the Private Message (PM Forum Messenger, outside the chat), same as resolved action replies. If you have a night action and do not inform me by PM at least 5 mins before the next Battle phase begins what you are doing with it, you do nothing that night. Talking in the chat during the plan phase will be restricted. This is because I won't have time to mod it since I'll be focusing on resolving the received actions (+5 extra mins for resolving). You can only chat in general, but no game-based stuff (accusations, plans, role claims, etc.). Players who won't comply might get role-blocked that phase. Forum Posting is Limited - 2 posts per player max during night!!! Additional Rules: No quoting mod communication or other out of thread communication. No out of thread communication unless specifically allowed by the mod. No content-posts after death unless allowed by the mod. Whitenoise that doesn't affect the game is fine. Use your best judgement, but remember that anything you say can be taken by the players to mean something it doesn't. If in doubt, say nothing. The same goes if you aren't playing, and double if you aren't playing and have been spoilered. Don't try to break the game. No sillyness like telling everyone to make a roleclaim post and encrypt it, then reveal their encryption keys/methods all at once for example. No saying "my role PM has X characters in it" And if you come up with it, and you're a little too proud of coming up with it as a way to get around the spirit of the game, don't post it. Mods, do your best to prevent this crap in the first place if you can. Don't give everyone with the same role and/or win condition the exact same wording for example. "Outside influences" such as bribing, threats, promises, whatever falls under the above. Don't do it. Don't be an ass. This includes "bussing" fellow scum/cultist teammates. By bussing we mean revealing fellow scumteam members as scum to spite them or gain townie points. No backseat modding. Unless the game's GM/Mod asks for forum moderator assistance, let them handle it. Especially if they have forum moderator privileges themselves. This is more of a respect/courtesy thing than a rule. Pointing out that the hammer has fallen and noone should be talking until the moderator handles it is fine; deleting posts put up after the hammer isn't. If you signed up for a Mafia Game, you're expected to participate actively. It's up to a GM to setup a minimal post quota for each player so that the game won't get hampered by inactive players. If you know you won't be able to play for more than one day, it is your responsibility to let the GM know in advance. Please don't try to be an Internet detective to find out who was online where and when. Not only is it not a good way of hunting down players, it's also a bit creepy and unfair for the person. Don't base most of your case on someone around "his last online time was X thus he was online at hammer but didn't post/vote" for example. Don't abuse the Board's Voting system - don't upvote/downvote player's posts unless you are allowed from the mod Don't edit your posts in game thread Players alive/end day CVC Time Left: No time left CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted iLikeToSnipe FRAYDO voted nobody Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted iLikeToSnipe One Winged Angel voted iLikeToSnipe triattack voted nobody Voe voted iLikeToSnipe
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  7. [battle Action Result - SUCCESS] iLikeToSnipe shoots and kills Generalcamo, the Soviet MCT! [Vote Counted] One Winged Angel voted iLikeToSnipe to be lynched! Time Left: 0 hours, 8 min, 0 sec CVC: Category 5 Hurricane voted iLikeToSnipe FRAYDO voted nobody iLikeToSnipe voted Voe Mojoman voted nobody Nodlied voted iLikeToSnipe One Winged Angel voted iLikeToSnipe triattack voted nobody Voe voted iLikeToSnipe 5/8 votes casted so far iLikeToSnipe has the most votes - 4
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  9. Next AR update on 29 February 2020 Awesome anims.
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  10. Thanks, but my birthday is on the fifth of March. Meh, close enough I guess.
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  11. Thanks for not killing me and thanks in advance for never trying to do that again. What I think is going on here is that Voe is entirely truthful. He's a town jailer and he jailed iLTS. I also think that the multiple claims iLTS has made are impossible. We know that iLTS is an Engineer. We don't know which side. iLTS Claims are as follows: He attempted to visit Chaos. He could have saved Chaos. He was stopped from doing so. He knows multiple people visited him. He can visit people. He did not create a custom role. This combination of claims is impossible. If he is an Engineer (which we know), he can't target other players. If he is an Engineer (which we know), he cannot protect anyone, so he couldn't save Chaos. I also think it's impossible for him to be visited by others when locked up, though I'm not certain of that. It's not really important anyway. Well, it might matter later in regards to someone else's argument, but for the sake of focusing on one target at a time, I'm leaving that out. So, looking at the standard Soviet Engineer, his claims are impossible. However If he was an Allied Engineer instead, we're getting closer to likely. The Allied Engineer can indeed visit people. Indeed, I would not be surprised if the actual order of events was iLTS placing C4 at Voe as an unstoppable kill, and then Chaos visited Voe and was killed. Suddenly the mystery of the odd targeting of a quiet player makes more sense. He knew right away he was going to have to explain himself and tried to get a word in right away before whoever jailed him started ripping him apart, ignoring the shot at me. He's been on edge all day, and he tried to get ahead of it by inventing a claim that he gathered from the extended knowledge that scum teams get from each other as his last bet and probably got one to invent a claim to back him up. He either didn't know he painted himself into a corner, or did so intentionally so that he could get lynched quick to avoid others getting caught up in it. I'll be back before hammer, but unless something magically stupid happens, I'm voting iLTS.
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  12. Not sure what else I can say that hasn't been said so I'm just going to recap here. During the night, Voe locked me up for interrogation. He claims that he found out what my role was and that I'm lying about it. However, that's not why he first voted for me. What happened this morning was that Voe just up and shot Cat5 because he was a veteran player and Voe suspected Cat5 of being scum who would have offed Chaos. Now, after Nodlied asked me to post some more I responded and said that I would post something later since I was busy. Voe leapt at that opening and voted against me. He claimed that the fact that I didn't even comment about him shooting Cat5 was "super allied". On top of that, he was "shocked" that I didn't immediately vote to lynch him. Since when have I ever done something like that in a mafia game? Whether or not I'm town or scum. So, from the start Voe has shot at Cat5 with very little cause for suspicion and then immediately tried to railroad me when I said that I was busy and would be responding later. Shortly after that Voe says he wants to hammer me and then backtracks on that once we all point out how scummy it is. Now, enter Camo. He comes in to the thread and calls me a liar saying he tracked me to Voe. After several flimsy reasons for not trusting me "bodyguard isn't a generic role", "you're targeting me", and accusing me of jumping on a bandwagon against him yesterday. After I counter all of these reasons, and he even agrees with most of them, he still votes for me. Sounds like a bandwagon to me... That sounds scummy to me, regardless of Camo's allegiance. Why would you have business to settle? Once the votes started piling on Camo he basically asked for more votes. I don't what kind of role a town member would need to have where they want it. This whole thing is fishy. You're talking shit as always. I'm simply not a fan of picking on people because we deem them inferior in terms of intelligence. One thing I looked back on was Voe's posting history on the first day. He was threatening towards us when we started to vote for Camo; who was most certainly acting scummy with wanting us to lynch him. "I'm simply not a fan of picking on people because we deem them inferior in terms of intelligence."? I didn't even mention Camo's intelligence in my post, I just mentioned he was acting scummy. Why would Voe try to defend somebody who is acting scummy and asking us to lynch him? It seems to me that Voe and Camo have been pretty chummy throughout the first two days. Despite Camo's suspicious behavior Voe backed him up. Despite any valid arguments from Camo he's still backing Voe up on this bandwagon against me. Maybe Voe is being a hyperaggressive, insane cop and maybe Camo is being an insane lynch proof, tracker townie and they've both been backing each other up without using any sound logic. But I find that unlikely. The most likely explanation I can think of for their behavior is that Voe and Camo are Allied spies and are in communication with each other. Between a potentially lynch proof scum and a scum who can block roles (and possibly find out what they are) I think we should lynch the rollblocker. My vote will be staying on Voe and I hope you all will take the time to reread their posts.
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  13. Sorry to have derailed your conversation. You can go back to squabbling theorizing now. (So I can watch...)
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  14. Hey there VERTi60! I heard rumors of a new mafia game. I didn't get back in time from the hinter lands up north (a land of dial up internet and no cell signal) to sign up for the fun... So I'm here to lurk.
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  15. Why would a 3rd party have a tracker ability? That's almost completely useless to a 3rd party.
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  16. He could have been a radar dome for all we know.
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  17. [battle Action] Mojoman is attempting to shoot iLikeToSnipe - please STANDBY for result ! [battle Action Result - FAIL] Mojoman's weapon got stuck!
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