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Showing most liked content on 03/08/2016 in all areas

  1. What, do these pros of the Heavy just not matter? Having 115m range compared to the Medium's 110m - making it pretty great at kiting in spite of the speed difference Using the same "bad armour tolerance" damage type as the Light Tank, so it's actually getting a ~15% boost against light vehicles compared to the Medium - that means the Ranger, Artillery, Phase Tank and MGG, among other less important ones. Granted, Mediums don't have many light vehicles to fight where their "doesn't care about armour class" damage typing rears its head, but well-protected Tesla Tanks are one of their bigger worries. The only Allied ground vehicle the Heavy's damage type has to worry about (minus ~15% dps)? The Ore Truck. Oh no Except every other Soviet AT unit (which are all either infantry or costlier than a heavy) doesn't have that penalty. Having a harder-to-hit weakpoint due to the rear being partially covered by the fuel barrels which are damage neutral, and the front actually having some plates protecting its underbelly. Not to mention all the crap I've been hearing about how the Heavy is sooooo much better than the Mammoth. Also this is how the Heavy's been since the dawn of APB, except before 3.0 it was $150 pricier than a medium and had harsher turret restrictions. Soviets already have better anti-tank infantry than the Allies, does their MBT really need to be that much better considering they already have a decent win rate?
  2. Yeah, no. As explained earlier, the Allied goal was to outnumber or equal the town players. If there were four Allied, they would have won before the end of D2. So that's bullshit. Oh, and since we went on to this bullshit ghost minigame (the game should have ended when it should have, really), many people changed their roles. I know Voe switched his PKM for a Heavy Tank, I changed my role as well. So with all that ''ooooh blood moon, oooh ghosts, oooh scary'' shit that's going on, it wouldn't suprise me if Fraydo's role became insane. Nope.exe >new level of existence >cannot be lynched >normal ghosts can be ''lynched'' >Chaos_Knight is broken and is somehow not fitting in his place >bug reports >tries to fix What we have here is either a malfunctioning Chronosphere, a Chronosphere experiment gone wrong (official lore for FoI btw), a Cyborg Commando or a Slenderkov. +10 for the hilariously bad ''Nodlied nods'' joke. Yes, this is winnable, we just have to shoot Chaos_Knight.
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  3. Shit, what is this D: Chaos, are you the rainbow floating tree? Or the disco barn?
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  4. ohmigosh thank u. how did u no i love sherk
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  5. If "moderately good" is taking longer to destroy boats than a rifle soldier (due to his warhead being coupled to the Destroyer/Missile Sub's) then sure I guess? Problem is it's just not threatening enough. It's a joke. And making it threatening enough that it's actually worth buying for any reason other than pity would require some of its roles to be severed or for its price to be increased. And I'm leaning more towards the latter so that they don't get spammed so much on Fissure. Can't get any better than a sprayangle of 0 I'm afraid. Did I mention that this isn't renegade? Also, are there even any Russian grenade launchers in existence that aren't rocket-propelled, aren't under-barrel AK attachments, and are at least as old as the MP5? As it stands I'm just going to toss out the extravagant ideas and the Grenadier is going to stay as its own unit, I'm just going to give him more damage/range and remove his splash falloff so he does his "field artillery" job better, and add charge time and remove his death explosion so he's not so great in buildings. That's what the flamethrower is for.
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  6. I can't believe I had almost forgot! A little birdie told me it was someone's birthday today. Birthday wishes and all @forg0ten1! Here's a card I made with love HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORG!
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  7. I personally like the grenadier as he is. Here are my reasons. A). Cheap unit when broke and need anti armor unit (currently cheaper than a kaptain) B). Most affordable splash damage unit for beginning of match rush C). Moderately good at everything. tanks, infantry, buildings, boats, and (if you use the secondary right) aircraft. I feel that the grenadier is the best of the basics, the corvette of the Volkswagen bugs. Highly versatile, cheap, but not too threatening. No other Soviet unit is like it. -bottom line it's not broken don't try to fix it. It like trying to make an old ford pickup into a Lamborghini. I think if you want to show the genadeir more love make it a permanent basic unit. I know the worry is about the allies not having one. But if the unit is a harmless and replaceable as most people on this form are making him out to be, then it's not an issue. Face it he was meant to be a low tier infantry unit and that's where he belongs.
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  8. It's a legacy thing. Back in the old days, APB has unit pricing which mirrored Red Alert unit prices. The Grenadiers seems to have slipped through the cracks of time and fallen into the "Wait, we got this unit?" category. Seriously, it's probably the second least used unit, following the Radar Jammer. But at least the Grenadier has it's use. I got an idea! It's ground breaking! here it comes! Let's lower the Grenadier cost, from 160, to... 150! This will totally make them a more regular appearance. (But it'll at least make unit costs more consistent across the game.)
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  9. i like buying them so i can jump out of helicopters and become a human bomb, since they explode on death
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