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Showing most liked content on 03/17/2016 in all areas

  1. Another office project - AMX-10P. Modeled by someone on my team, painted by me. Done entirely in Quixel SUITE 2 using nDo and dDo. I'll post another rendition of it soon - this is still a WIP. 4k texture for the body, 512x for the tracks.
  2. Sorry but this desperately needs it's own thread for this (don't judge me).
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  3. "Planetary Annihilation is free, for a while, at Bundle Stars" http://www.pcgamer.com/planetary-annihilation-is-free-for-awhile-at-bundle-stars/?utm_content=buffer76178&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer_pcgamer
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  4. Keep in mind that i have basicly swim right next to you in my naval transport and you havent even noticed. BTW: Irwe's stream from today session of APB will be uploaded to Youtube in matter of time. For now there is the VOD: https://secure.twitch.tv/irwe/v/54999045
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  6. Any difference between a halt and a stop sign (we don't have halt signs around here, honestly curious if there is a difference)?
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  7. Keep in mind that was the same game where I managed to get a Soviet Gunboat as well, which sank many a destroyer and one of the stolen missile subs as you can see in one of the screen's killfeeds, and managed to keep it intact despite several daring trips to the frontlines and not being a submarine. Probably my favourite part of the match was spending a good 5 minutes running laps/hitching rides around the frontlines as a rifle soldier and still being able to make meaningful contributions to the siege. Regular guy supremacy! Wish I'd remember to take screenshots of the hijinks I get into though.
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  8. Ore Truck got stuck in the hole and was all bobbing back and forth. Duck, duck, duck, radar jammer. I think this is the same Rock and a hard place...and a tesla coil (offscreen). rush as Silverlight's picture with the damaged demo.
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  9. You don't like cutting the enemy's income by a third on a map where they supposedly love to spam super-expensive MADs/demos? And all without having to worry about mines?
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  10. Redid the MCT last week for the guys at APB. It's the first contribution I've made to APB since 2006.
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