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Showing most liked content on 03/31/2016 in all areas

  1. Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server based on your feedback! Changelist INFANTRY Volkov AT range up from 90 to 95. M16/AK-47 range up from 85 to 90. Grenadier range up from 125 to 140. Grenade is no longer disarmable/targetable. Flamethrower infantry (and FoI fireproof suit) no longer takes 50% extra damage from explosions. Flamethrower projectile speed up from 75m/s to 100m/s. Sniper damage up from 37.5 to 55, but suffers a 50% penalty against armoured people instead of 25%. So its damage against people with armour is almost identical to before, but it becomes much more lethal to people with no armour. Volktillery damage down from 62.5 to 42.5 but uses Shell warhead; this makes barely any difference to its damage against buildings (its main purpose) but makes it clearly inferior to the AT cannon against tanks at close range. Jumping with Volkov AT mode has a much larger penalty (+6 sprayangle instead of +2), but accuracy recovery afterwards is up from -4 per second to -8. VEHICLES Cruisers are in the game now! Actually no this was an april fools you fools Light Tank turret rotation speed up by 33%. AESTHETICS Added another first-person sleeve variant: darker grey for Mechanics. Fixed RPG Trooper's vehicle-riding model (it was not updated when the on-foot model was, so it had some issues with the new texture) MAP CHANGES River Raid has been remade by Pushwall and is now playable again! Here's how it's changed since Gamma: Terrain is completely remade from scratch. Added infantry-only side areas that provide alternate attack routes; the mouth of the river now leads to a beach that leads to the back of the Soviet base, and the river cave now leads to the back of the Allied base. Added ground defenses - 2 pillboxes/flamers each, one at the front and one at the rear. There is now only one Ore Silo. Added ore fields near each base which the AI truck will collect from. The island in the middle now has gems instead of mixed ore/gems. Added tunnels to the bases that connect all the buildings and allow safe repairing of the Service Depot. Tech Level reduced to 1. Added visibility culling system. The map's jukebox plays the following tracks: Scrin, Chaos, Crush, Renegade Jungle. In case you missed the teaser shot last time, here it is! RA_ForestOfIllusion: Secret items take 3-6 minutes to spawn (was 1-6). RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added Grenades and Volkov's AP handcannon to the crate pool. RA_HostileWaters: Removed an Ore Silo, Service Depot and Refill Pad from each team. RA_HostileWaters: Moved remaining Ore Silo to a more defensible position. RA_HostileWaters: Removed stealth crates. RA_HostileWaters: Fixed grenadiers costing 160 instead of their intended price. Get to the launcher and grab the patch! Be on the lookout for more updates, and we hope to see you on the battlefield!
  2. plot twist: forg was the second thief
  3. The teamwork begins... TeamworkIsEpic { Sarah = Medic Raptor29a = Mechanic Rantanplan = Tanya Ginosaji = Supply Truck } Everyone trying to get to Alstar. (I believe they missed him?) More teamwork! Rantanplan about to die... Naval traffic!
  4. Since I started playing C&C when I was about 8, the soundtrack was always one of my favorite parts, although originally a lot of the music freaked me out, especially with TS. I remember the only song I could listen to without scaring myself was Valves. But anyway, my most nostalgic song is a toss up between Act on Instinct and Bigfoot. You'd think Hell March, but honestly, when I think RA, I hear Bigfoot. I'm curious what the rest of you remember as the "song that described C&C", whether it was a classic like Act on Instinct or Just Do It Up, something a bit more middle-ground like Mad Rap or Industrofunk, the FPS-oriented songs of Renegade like Ammo Clip, or even the music of the newest games like Grinder 2. Throw your faves up, and remember "KANE LIVES IN DEATH!"
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  5. For most nostalgic it has to be Act on Instinct, definitely. As I had said before, there's nothing like starting off each mission with that tune. With or without the lyrics, it was an amazing track. It set just the right mood for the game, and essentially that song WAS Command & Conquer.
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  6. There is not a specific track, but the atmosphere of playing the OST from a particular game from start to finish makes me remember playing that game for the first time. The RA OST I feel gives the most atmosphere changes, in terms of up and down, changing tempo etc.
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  7. Same here I listen to his stuff all the time.
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  8. There is a "windowed mode" checkbox in the launcher config tab. Try toggling it and see what happens
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  9. I still remember how everyone went to take out my V2 which was last soviet vechicle on the field Took ya long enough to do that And really, no more screenshots from that Under game shenanigans? I denounce you.
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  10. Same reasons people use volktillery? Being able to hit buildings without having to get through the defenses first? Being able to hit buildings/defenses from certain well-defended spots in the field whereas RPG troopers would have to stand closer in the open and get dunked by artillery? Having a better chance at self-defense if infantry come your way, which they will if you're in a place vehicles can't reach?
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  11. Since uhhh willing to share what map this happens on since the changelog says they have to be on the MCT floor?
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  12. Don't mind me, I'm just Easter egg harvesting. (i know it's a poorly done avatar)
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