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Showing most liked content on 05/05/2016 in all areas

  1. These are the voyages of the USS Flappy Deer. Its continuing mission: to prance across roads, to seek out and consume new plants and vegetation, to boldly go where no cervine has gone before.
  2. fouthce /ˈfɔər/ noun. an extravagant celebration "My, what a fouthce this party is!" fouthce.
  3. New month, new avatar theme! Spaceships! New month, new avatar theme! Firstly, may the Fourth be with you friends. As you may guess - from my current avatar and reference to today - I am a huge Star Wars fan. Of course, this is just part of this month's theme. This month's theme is spaceships! Spaceships from Star Wars, Star Trek, comics, movies, real-life and all other science-fiction!
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  5. Happy birthday ganein14 and Commander A9. This means mine is in six days, and I have been here a year now.
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  6. Every spaceship needs a captain... Oh go on then. Make it so!
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  7. I love harvesting too, sitting in the truck doing a noble volunteer job that benefits the entire team while watching the scoop moves up and down and playing with the horn is fun.
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  8. Its one of those words that gives everyone a lisp Also, I found my spaceship!
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  9. Oh ho ho! Intelligence reports show our very own Commander A9 - @White Wolf has a birthday today! He has since returned recently, and has continued work on Our Glorious Wiki. Give him a shout of support for his contributions! More of that, GDI InOPS has discovered a hidden cache of material. It seems our Alpha-Niner has quite the repository at DeviantArt. A vast gallery of material, and a superb portfolio! DA Cheers to you, CommanderA9 - @White Wolf. We salute you. (Image featured created by the birthday boy himself - CommanderA9 - White Wolf)
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  10. Maybe you should play C&C64 on an emulator...so you've got a game that was ported from PC to N64, and now you're playing it on PC again
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  11. It brings a tear to my eye seeing people so eager to harvest, and even better that people see the importance in it. Why, this reminds me of a good friend of mine - Iraq. Iraq was a man who preached the significance of harvesters in APB and Reborn. This is the man who would organize entire teams into harvesting the fields, then after dumping into the refinery would lead the team into charging the enemy as one big Ore Truck / Harvester rush. Needless to say, the enemy team could not dare stand to the might of these rushes, usually left saying "wtf" before being smushed and harvested. Good times, good times.
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