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Showing most liked content on 06/21/2016 in all areas

  1. You people and your wacky ideas. Today it's a Tesla Jammer, tomorrow it'll be a Nuclear Stealth Plecostomus...
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  2. The Force Awakens was ok, but it annoys me that it was literally A New Hope: Reloaded. It kind of nullifies the entire original trilogy's conclusion when the next movie is all "oh great work defeating the empire dudes, here's another one. Also they have a bigger death star". Everyone seems to love Rey as a character but honestly I think she was pretty lame. No development except that she's a poor sad orphan, and within the first movie she's already a jedi with 0 training, a master pilot, a heroic fighter, and a leader. The whole movie left me with a bad taste afterwards, even though I enjoyed it in the theatre. Rouge One is looking good though, at the very least they can't just remake the original movies this time. I'm also excited to see the return of real empire.
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  3. I have to say, I appreciate the removal of the newbie traps. Also this entire changelog looks good and I'm looking forward to seeing the effect on Stormy Valley and Coastal Influence.
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  4. I"m gonna miss that broken bridge. It always amuses me everytime I play that map, I always see an empty stuck vehicle at the bottom of that broken bridge. I remember one time we were Allies planning an early truck rush and the passengers were spamming chat/radio telling the driver stop as he drove onto that bridge and spoiled the rush. Yeah it's always funny when you see it but then you realise it's a newbie trap that's just there to make newbies rage. That's not what I'm about tbh. That's no fun though, I like being yelled at for bad balance, please don't kink-shame May I ask why? It took me a good amount of practice to learn how to use the thief effectively on that map. Because allies aren't supposed to be able to cripple the soviets on this map. The soviets have a hard enough time as it is.
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  5. Well it's not all me - I have to thank Synaesthesia and Generalcamo for the mammoth, Killing_You and Generalcamo for the sounds, and Aprime for the texture updates.
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  6. Okay so I finished watching it. I dunno, just didn't feel like a Star Wars film. I think the prequels, in spite of their awful script and dialogue, at least got the look and feel of Star Wars more or less right. Force Awakens felt more like some fan creation...like Star Wars with some Firefly or some other space opera mixed in. On the other hand, I didn't hate the characters nearly as much as I thought I would from what I saw in the trailers. Well, except for Poe...that guy was annoying, lol.
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  7. Hahahaha. A 11 second long teaser of a teaser video. Really?
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  8. Not sure how much I like the new style of speech and mannerisms that are being spread throughout the new Star Wars films.
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