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Showing most liked content on 07/09/2016 in all areas

  1. "I love the dear old ranges, I love the prairie trail. To watch the cattle grazing and hear the coyotes wail. Swinging in the saddle just before the break of morn. Take me back to old Alberta, the place where I was born. Ohdadeeeyodelaidalaidlalaidlalaidhuhuehuehuehueee"
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  4. (Thats a bot user dave) >grabs card > runs
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  5. Improved your flag, delta. No thanks needed.
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  6. Fun fact is Makintocke makes a few good points about psychology and human behaviour^ Also, it wasn't a "you should kill yourself" insult, neither was it a threat (really guys?). Not to mention that MPRA2 didn't complain personally, so I wouldn't consider this complaint relevant anyway. Mackintoke is an active member of the community, good teamplayer, pleasant to have on your side. I would trade him for many others in a heartbeat. I would, for one, like the !mute command to come back. Talking shit should be countered by muting, not kicking-banning. Imho definitely not a ban case.
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