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Showing most liked content on 09/24/2016 in all areas

  1. This is based on the C&C4 Mammoth tank concept art (not the in game version). As always I made changes were I saw fit (please note that this has not been rigged!). I was primarily interested in the rail Mammoth, so the default Mammoth is probably not as good as it could be. I will probably make small adjustments in the future. 4 Stage GIF Please note that you cannot normally get this close in C&C3
  2. I don't use the flamethrower on Fissure because I have self-respect.
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  3. Well I'm a nonstandard role, which I'm sure is a shocking revelation. Perhaps you need to calm down and drink some juice. If there is a heavy tank, they'll certainly need a jump. Yes, indeed. Unfortunately, I'm no longer fully charged. Of course, let's dance around the issue at hand here. Or we can make the allies extra crispy. Let's try to put their lights out. And then sing, "Burn, baby, burn!" Maybe that's what the Barracks is for? But that is a valid concern.
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  4. Confirm for us: what was your role before you became a visceroid?
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