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Showing most liked content on 11/30/2016 in all areas

  1. Pffff! Nobody bothered when it was my birthday on the 7th... I KNEW IT - you guys are just using me for my ever-so-sexy aura and devilish charisma for W3D Hub's sneaky evil world domination purposes!
  2. Don't brag too much or else they'll lynch you D1 They can try.
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  3. This is exactly why the CY doesn't need a change in repair rate. People will need some effort to use the repair classes instead of letting the CY taking away the important role of the game: repairing. This makes attacks from the enemy more rewarding since it delays you into repair duty or spend a bit of credits if there are no repairmen around. The Construction Yard is merely to slow down disorganized attacks or other small rushes from killing a building. If you are a Volkov, usually players with cheaper classes will voluntarily be the engineer. If the team is full of Volkovs, then they should realize that character variety is important.
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  4. I just used the config file in the game's directory, to find out I already had it on.
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  5. About the Industrial Plant; I'd say it adds extra work to your burdens and further delay a release of AR. It could be added later on.
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  6. Hey guys, I'm on the tail end of my surgery recovery right now. This took a lot longer than anticipated but I'm slowly becoming more capable of doing things at a computer. As I have just informed Pushwall, I delved into Siege last night and after inspecting the map, I concluded I will have a test version delivered to our lovely QA departement by mid november. Sparing you guys the boring details, what this means is that Siege should actually still be released this year and not in 2019. I'm putting a careful date (not a real ETA) for a release somewhere in december. There are reasons as to why this can still take two months, but I'm simply being careful here primarily because the map has to go through a truly wonderful process called VIS implementation, and I confess that there are knowledge gaps for me in this specific field. TLDR: I'm still alive, and you can actually expect to play this map this year.
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  7. With the bot refining I'm hoping to see a coop map. Ahh the memories...
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  8. Monthly Avatar Theme? Why, that's Ancient History! Romans, Greeks, Huns! Monthly Avatar Theme? Why, that's Ancient History! Romans, Greeks, Huns! Find your piece of ancient history.
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  9. Today is the day, comrades. The latest version of Red Alert: A Path Beyond has been released! Today is the day, comrades. The latest version of Red Alert: A Path Beyond has been released! Much time has been put into improving the game, and the APB development team is glad to finally make it available. Before you rush off to downloading, have a quick rundown of what has changed from the previous Gamma version. A Path Beyond Delta Changelist Naval combat has been reintroduced Snipers reintroduced Tech Level determined at the start of the round Tech Level unit structure reworked Sprinting has been added, which is done by holding [shift] Regeneration has been added; Infantry will recover to 75% of their health, armour remains depleted. Aiming penalties factor in; Standing, running, crouching and jumping will affect your accuracy. Team info/base info popups bound to B and M Updated models for several infantry and vehicles Updated textures for infantry, vehicles, and buildings Jukebox feature added Substantial performance improvements Maps have been vastly revamped and improved; in fact, have some previews! The maps contained in this release (click for big) and more! Much more features and improvements, which you'll have to see in-game! Both the staff members and testers have worked very hard to make this possible, and it's thanks to them we are here today! It has been a pleasure to work on this, and it has been a blast to test and play this extensively. We hope you enjoy this update. Now, soldier! Get to the W3D Hub Launcher and grab it! See you on the battlefield!
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  10. Hey guys! As some of you may know, I work at Creative Assembly currently and have worked on some awesome games, such as Alien: Isolation and Total War: Attila. But now the latest project that I'll be working on has been announced (for Xbox One and PC) and it's a pretty big deal! I figured that this was big enough to be community news as it's strategy-related and C&C-esque, so enjoy the teaser! Being a C&C fan, I do love me some classic strategy games, so when I found out we were doing Halo Wars 2, I did everything in my power to make sure that I got onto the team (which I did!). I can't really say much more though, other than the game is going to be awesome! Keep your eyes peeled in the future for more news!
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