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Showing most liked content on 12/01/2016 in all areas

  1. Indeed, it is Christmas next month! And I think Santa Kalle Bowo should send us all 3D printed presents!
  2. Dear friends, it's that time of the year again! Christmas time is here! Time for joy and time for cheer! ♫ Dear friends, it's that time of the year again! Christmas time is here! Time for joy and time for cheer! ♫ You know what to do! And that's leaving some gifts wrapped up under my Christmas tree! Oh, and Christmas and Happy Holidays avatars!
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  3. Mafia? You mean the forum game run by VERTi60 that's super fun and that everyone should sign up for? RA:APB Themed Mafia Game 20th Anniversary Special Also keep an eye out for another APB Game Night announcement! /shameless plugs
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  5. This is going to be a tricky Christmas! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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  6. Emotional blackmail at its finest! Hope everyone realizes that I'm just joking (intended for all the weird people who don't know me yet).
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  7. I'm trying this because I wanted to post somewhere. Kazmo came from a yahoo pool id which was kaz_the_king. I was like 14 and wanted a cool nickname and I named my cat Kazi which came from Kamikaze. So technically my name came from my cat.
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  8. Thanks! I will probably start with TS next year. I'm so close to finishing the TD set. Only the civilian hospital, GDI's Advanced Comm Center and Nod's Bio Research Lab are on the list. But I somehow just don't find the time at the moment. And then there's already Christmas next month ... curses ! ^^
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  9. Well you should have told someone. I'll lock down my facebook and never share my birthday so that I can get angry when people don't remember my birthday! ~ AZ-Stalker
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  10. Did the advanced naval yard layout confuse them to the point where they considered you to be part of the environment, or what? Edit: Wait, you're an Allied spy, why are you spying on your own team?! sometimes when ispy i forget what team im on. Like this one time i accidently stole a teammates demo in our base. it was horrible we all died
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