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Showing most liked content on 12/02/2016 in all areas

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  3. Neverwinter Nights Diamond Edition is currently free on GOG for the next 21 hours (02/12/2016) https://www.gog.com/game/neverwinter_nights_diamond_edition You can also grab Shadow Warrior Classic for free too https://www.gog.com/game/shadow_warrior_complete
  4. Yeah, but your posts come off as way too analytical and calm to be Light.
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  5. It's all in good fun. I like to provoke. Gets the enthusiasm going.
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  6. Alright folks, this is the very final preview screenshot of the work in progress on Siege. The map is very close to being finished now. Below you see the water caustics effect along with a shoreline effect, both of which are animated effects. You also see an expanded selection of water edge ground plants (a total of 5 different textures, 8 if counting aquatic plants). Hopefully the map will see a public release relatively soon.
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  7. I say we lynch Jeod D1 and force him to just watch the rest of the game.
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  8. I AM JUSTICE! It's funny you should say that. Because, I think you'll find that I am Justice. ##SHOOT Jeod
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  9. Guys don't forget to send me your preferences. Don't be afraid to ask for a crazy or mystery role or something which we didn't have yet from RA: APB I've already got some suggestions to make it interesting though. Welcome. Sign me up times two! Yea I was only talking about the blocking part, ofc the interrogation part would stay It's just if both kapitan and shoky were in game it would be unnecessary blocking fest (and redundant).
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  10. https://30days.ubi.com/Promotion/Calendar/
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