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Showing most liked content on 03/18/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm still around these forums, lurking and watching. But I've also been doing lots of cool things around the place as well. For a while I was the lead designer on an indie game project (unfortunately it died), and I ended up writing a bunch of tracks for the game's soundtrack. Since then I've taken some courses at university on music production and have been fiddling around with things in my free time. If you want to hear what I've done you can follow me on soundcloud: Thanks for having a listen!
  2. [blurb]Read about the big changes being made to Phase Tanks, Walls and more in this A Path Beyond update from Pushwall![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.0.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update INFANTRY MP5-N rate of fire up from 12.5 to 13.33, reload time down from 2.1 to 2. (Overall ~6% DPS boost.) Volkov reload time up from 7.5 to 8. (Overall ~3 to 8% DPS drop depending on fire mode.) Volkov's cannon now visibly tilts when reloading again, to make reload duration more obvious and prevent people accidentally canceling it with a switch/sprint. LAW reload time down from 2.5 to 2.2. LAW range up from 105 to 110. RPG-7/LAW damage down from 90 to 80. (With the reload adjustment, this means the LAW's DPS is up by a negligible ~1%, but the RPG's is down by ~11%. Grenadier is now a better building wrecker as a result.) RPG-7 is no longer affected by gravity. Ghost Spectator is no longer crushable. VEHICLES Minelayer max speed up from 13.7 to 14.5. Minelayer health up from 200 to 250. Swapped tech level of MAD Tank and Mammoth Tank. (This really only matters for Bonsai right now.) MAD Tank damage now has 50% armour piercing against vehicles, like Tesla damage does. Primarily this means that mech-vehicles caught in the shockwave will take longer to repair. Mammoth Tank range down from 120 to 115. APC damage to aircraft up by ~14% (0.875 -> 1) Artillery/V2 damage to buildings up by ~4% (0.24 -> 0.25) Phase Tank is now radar invisible while stealthed. Hind range up from 100 to 105. Longbow range up from 95 to 100. Longbows now fire in quick bursts of 2 with a long reload. (Ammo capacity changed from 1/7 to 2/6, ROF up from 0.75/sec to 4/sec, reload time up from 0 to 2.75.) This means they take slightly longer to use up all their ammo (10 seconds instead of 9.33) but get two rockets off right away, have an easier time attacking while using cover between shots, and re-arm at Helipads/Refill Pads twice as fast (since they refill 1 magazine at a time). Longbow rockets turn 50% faster, making them hopefully more likely to track towards the intended spot. Longbow rockets are slightly stronger against certain targets: Damage to Mammoth vehicles up from 90 to 100 Damage to Ore Trucks up from 75 to 100 Damage to Submerged Subs up from 5 to 10 Damage to blockades/bridges (e.g. Concrete Walls) up from 20 to 25 BUILDINGS Flame Tower reload time up from 3 to 3.25. Tesla Coil reload time up from 2 to 2.25. Turret reload time down from 2.5 to 2.25. Concrete Walls no longer have 10x the intended amount of health. MAPS RA_AS_Seamist: Tech level message at the start now says 3 for Allies, 5 for Soviets. (MADs/Kovs are still absent as usual though.) RA_CamosCanyon_Bots: Fixed an Allied basic infantry bot who was spawning above the pathfind blocker and falling to his death. RA_RiverRaid: The vehicle route going behind each team's WF is now permanently blocked, though you can still shoot over the blockade to hit the WF. (Basically the short stint of walls accidentally being indestructible made me realise that not having 3 vehicle routes was actually somewhat beneficial to this map with no defenses. 1 was too little though.)
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  3. That hyper crustation is Suzuha Amane of Steins;Gate. Since my role is known, I wanted to make a play on the name by using another character that shares the surname. Steins;Gate is also a mafia game that I'm planning.
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  4. Day 7 - Matsuda! Chief Yagami discovered that the killings connected with Yotsuba group happen close to weekends, so meetings are held on Fridays. Matsuda, being tired of being useless, despite taking over as Misa's manager after Mogi died, takes things into his own hands though and tries to infiltrate one of these meetings, which, once again, got him into trouble. Yotsuba (and Kira now as well) will probably target Matsuda next. Thanks to L's new Task Force members, conman Aiber and thief Wedy, Matsuda was released. Aiber also plays the role of Eraldo Coil, one of L's detective aliases, during the investigation of the Yotsuba Group. We'll learn more about Yotsuba as investigation continues but we already know that Kira and Yotsuba members are meeting regularly to discuss killings. Speaking of kills, one of the Task Force members that left you some time ago, didn't make it. Kira got to him first! FRAYDO as Shuichi Aizawa, the Japanese Task Force, died of heart attack! His name and his actions were written in the Notebook that was investigated. Shortly after today morning, a local TV aired a message tape which is claimed to be from Kira himself. Kira was addressing the Task Force members: From what we know: Kira needs a Face and Name to kill. Kira can manipulate his victims before they die. Light Yagami is also a Kira suspect (I'd say the odds are 5%) Misa Amane is now a 2nd Kira suspect 2nd Kira can make a "Shinigami Eyes" deal, which enables him/her to kill without knowing the victim's name... Mello is one of the L's successors, desperate to beat his counterpart, N as well as L, and others to catch Kira first Mello is not kira but he has some ties with Mafia to get the Notebooks There are two or more Notebooks in the human world it seems, and at least one is still in the possession of Kira Shinigami can appear whenever they like and are visible to anyone who interacted with Notebook L has deduced that Kira powers can pass from person to person (ownership of the Notebook can be changed or forfeited) NPA will no longer support investigation of Kira case, Task Force members are on their own Aizawa, member of the Task Force, decided to work alone on the case Kanzo Mogi who was assigned to protect Misa, died of heart attack - we suspect Kira got him first Yotsuba group members might be involved in Kira case Matsuda, Misa's new manager, confirmed that Yotsuba members are meeting with Kira to discuss kills, he's in trouble One of the Yotsuba Group members is Kira or working closely with Kira Aiber and Wedy, L's new Task Force members, helped infiltrate the Yotsuba Group Aizawa, member of the Task Force, died by a delayed kill written in the confiscated Notebook Kira has sent a tape on Day 7 Day Rules: The goal of the day is to catch the Kira with the Notebook. If that happens, the Death Note will be confiscated and possible culprit will be held in custody for the whole night, which will reveal more info about the character as well next day. Any other player will have just their identity revealed to everybody. This will play out in 3 phases: 1. Investigation, where players will discuss the case and clues with other characters; Voting, where each member of the investigation team casts a vote on who they suspect is Kira. People will vote for one person they want to be investigated and the person with the most votes will be revealed at the end of the day. Your vote should be in this format: ##Vote PlayerName If you decide to change your vote, you must first ##unvote (player name not required but is helpful) or you can simply vote another player if you already know who. In case of a tie between more players, the investigation will be passed on the either the person with biggest suspicion level. If there is still a tie, the first voted player will be chosen (meaning that extra votes to cause a tie will not help in the end). Hammers will also not end current Day. Meaning that if one person gets 50% of the votes, it won't trigger the end of the day. A proper detective reserves a time for proper investigation. No shortcuts for the Kira(s) as well to end the day sooner. However, the hammered person will still be investigated and extra votes will no longer count. 2. Casting suspicion to other players outside of voting to profile each player throughout the game. This costs Proposal Points (which you have limited amount each phase) and increases and/or decreases a person's Suspicion (red) or Trust Level (blue). People with checks are more likely to be voted out as Kira in case voting will end in a tie. A high trust level makes a person gain more proposal points next day than others, and it will also gain more benefits during night, e.g. access to more actions. A Player's activity will also be monitored, and if some players are inactive for more than a day, they will get a deadline time left to post. If they won't make it, they will lose some trust points and gain suspicion points. Proposal points, suspicion and trust levels along with dead lines, status and role flip will be reflected in Cumulative Vote Count which will be updated throughout the day. Use the following command to Propose increasing someone's suspicion or trust. ##PROPOSE SUSPICION/TRUST Playername [amount] You can do this whenever you want to whoever you like as long you still have Propose Points. The exact amount of points is not limited, but it might change for balance reason. 3. Custom Day Actions. Your characters may have an item which also has extra day actions. Look them up in your Character Role Info PM. All Day actions need to be acknowledged by the mod before they are counted, either by updating the CVC or with a text line. Current Vote Counts (or CVC) will appear periodically to inform you about the time remaining as well as the current vote status). Note: Day 7 will be shorter by 2 hours CVC:
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  5. That's something I sort of wished for during Delta's development too. In an early stage after I became objects.ddb groundskeeper, I figured that a way of making the C4 users more viable would be to give them infinite C4 but take a very long time to "reload" it. Since you had to keep it equipped to reload it, I had to keep the reload time fairly short for it to be even remotely viable, and because of that, it was just outright overpowered as long as you were never discovered and therefore never had to defend yourself. Since reload-while-holstered never happened, a proxy for the "infinite C4" mechanic got moved to the Supply Truck instead (and eventually the LST). Where it can still be strong under specific circumstances but definitely not to the degree that just pulling new C4 out of your ass would be. In hindsight the "auto infini-c4" probably wasn't the best idea anyway, it'd probably make Tanyas even more rambo-ey. The ability to reload while swapped for actual weapons could be problematic though. Particularly for Volkov or rocket soldiers. What with Volkovs being able to spend 8 seconds AT cannoning, then 8 seconds defending themselves from infantry by shotgunning, then AT cannoning again while largely averting the downtime that they're meant to have. It sounds like it wouldn't come up that much, but it would be 100% applicable to being inside buildings, so it'd be a big buff there, when they are specifically meant to not be building assaulters - at least not without the aid of a teammate with an actual anti-building weapon. Rocket soldiers would be able to practically dual-wield their launchers if there are some combination of 2 of air, ground and naval targets around, or even just a lone air or naval target at close range. It sounds like an infantry-only version of the Beta mech/vehicle system where a vehicle could somehow reload itself without a driver, so you just fire your vehicle weapon, hop out, and pop an OP beta wrench to heal at the same time, or pop a shock rifle burst for extra power, all while somehow keeping the vehicle reloading. Which seems more counter-intuitive than what you're going on about.
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