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Showing most liked content on 05/17/2017 in all areas

  1. So I have been playing A Path Beyond more frequently these past few weeks, and I have been receiving multiple remarks from other players telling me that I am some "laghacker" and/or cheater whenever I'm ingame. The most notable of this can be seen in one of Totd's APB madness videos where he kills me, and I managed to posthumously kill him a couple seconds after the fact. So here's how my end of things go since I started playing more frequently again: For the past couple of weeks, my modem would spontaneously reset itself multiple times during a given 24-hour period, regardless of the time of day. These spontaneous resets cause me to go offline anywhere between 1 minute and half an hour at worst. In between these resets, my connection while playing APB would still be stable enough to stay online, but not unstable enough to get completely disconnected from the game. The end result, is that whatever gameplay I see gets sent in "bursts" of data, where every moving object appears to be moonwalking, then disappears/reappears in a totally different area, as if my connection is (literally) using chrono technology on everything. I am actively trying to figure out what's causing my modem to reset at random, and the closest possibility I can come up with right now is that the power signal to my modem is sub-optimal. I'm also getting my ISP's technician to check on my line signal outside my house soon, provided I have ample days off from work to properly schedule an appointment. Below is a video of one of my "bad lag" days. It's business as usual between Voe, FRAYDO, and myself playing APB, and Totd also makes an appearance (even on teamspeak): Call me what you will, but this is the stuff I have to deal with while playing APB. I do apologize in advance to anybody and everybody who thinks that I'm some dirty player of the game as a result of this problem I'm having. Except Voe. He sux
  2. Howabout a compilation of Voe getting overrun by the enemy team when he tries to go sniping too close? I should be able to make that one easily.
  3. nou You want a war? Let's have a fuckin' war!
  4. [blurb]The new and improved W3D Hub download system is now live![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb]With the forum upgrade we have yet another addition to enhance your W3D Hub experience! It's a forum feature long-missed by many, and one we have been eager to unveil! After some time and internal testing, the brand new Downloads section is now live! From custom textures to audio modifications and everything in-between, the Downloads page will be your one-stop shop for all of your APB and Reborn needs. You can find it in the forum's navigation menu or at the handy link below! Downloads It goes without saying that all community members are welcome to contribute! Show off your personal textures for others to enjoy, share your enhanced sounds for our in-game weapons and vehicles, or even give us a sneak peek into one of your own fan maps for others to provide feedback! We only ask that you adhere to the File Submission Guidelines, which you may review here. Any files uploaded by the community will prompt the download system to post a thread here, which will hopefully allow us to showcase an exciting timeline of community-generated projects and content! Be sure to leave your comments and feedback on items that you download! Special thanks to those of who who have donated over the last few months! Your contributions help us to improve our community even further with great new features like this! We hope you enjoy this addition and we anticipate great things to come!
  5. So for some reason the thought ran through my head: what if we returned infantry combat to being more rocket-tag-ish like in Beta, by improving headshot damage? How would we go about this without nerfing infantry into the ground? Right now here's how the damage of every small-arms weapon (plus the Flamethrower for kicks) lines up against regular infantry, sorted by headshots vs armoured health. Grey = needs 10 or more shots to kill a regular inf (armoured rifle infantry, naked techie). This is only for body shots, thank god. Cyan = needs 4-9 shots. In the case of headshots, these things might as well be airsoft guns, especially the PKM. Green = needs 3 shots. Yellow = needs 2 shots. Orange = needs only 1 shot to kill regular infantry. (with shotguns this is with all pellets) Red = can kill any infantry in 1 shot. And here's how everything would line up if the global headshot multiplier got raised to 5, a bunch of weapons had their armour penetration values adjusted, and a couple had less/more base firepower: An explanation of armour/base damage adjustments: Since captains and shotgunners have a harder time of getting headshots due to their accuracy, they don't have a penetration penalty to compensate for all this (so they can still bodyshot decently against armoured infantry) - on the other end of things, the pistols are very easy to headshot with due to their accuracy and hitscan nature, so they have the harshest penetration penalty and thus their headshots are not much better than before - unless they're facing naked infantry who die with ease. Higher armour strength in general means that bodyshots are less desirable (except with the captain/sergeant) which could somewhat compensate for the beefier headshots. APC's 6 -> 7 is completely unrelated to all this and is a balance change coming in the next patch to compensate for some other changes, don't worry about it. Hind's 7.5 -> 6 would be a thing that would happen if this headshot multiplier change went through; firing from above gives it a better chance at unintended headshots, and machineguns all piercing armour better means it essentially has a higher damage than before against normal infantry if its base damage is left untouched. And it really doesn't need help against infantry. So a base damage reduction (compensated by increased multipliers to hard targets to even its damage to them out) really shouldn't hurt it. Snipers' 50 -> 60 would happen if the armour/HS change went through, because it's difficult for them to get headshots; since they use the same warhead as the other "can only hurt infantry" guns they share the same armour penetration capability so I can't just leave them with 50 damage and their old 50% penetration at the same time. Pillbox's 9 -> 10 would happen if the armour/HS change went through, because it doesn't intentionally go for headshots. (It shares the assault rifles' warhead which is why it happens to have a weaker armour penetration settng.) It already sucks versus vehicles, this extra damage point probably won't change that much, and if it does, it can just reload slightly slower as its alpha strike matters more against infantry than it does against vehicles. The big question here would be how to do all this without making infantry worthless again - or whether I should even go through with this at all - and that's why I opened this discussion. So talk away! Something I could do here: making the "neck" hitbox just act like the body (1x damage) instead of the head (5x) so headshots are harder to pull off. Unlike helmets everyone has the same neck box so this affects everyone equally, and somewhat nerfs tanks against infantry since their low ROF makes a failed headshot pretty punishing. I brought up an "aesthetic change" in the video thread; this would be that if the headshot overhaul happened, I would give head hitboxes a new material that would have a more satisfying headshot sound effect attached to it, instead of the current generic flesh impact sound. (Which would get pretty silly if I did that with the current system where Tanya takes 12 PKM headshots to kill.)
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  6. Perhaps this could be a good time for the return of Beta!APB scope logic, which was activated by a custom keybinding instead of secondary fire (so presumably doesn't uncloak)? And since the binoculars can't actually fire, their ability to "v-snipe" wouldn't gate their usability to only people who know that V arbitrarily works in this one first-person scenario when it doesn't for any other.
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  7. Winning without honor grants shame, not joy
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  8. Totd needs to make another compilation video of him running away from me. I'm sure he has a bunch on tape.
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  9. asdasdasdasdsad
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  10. Yeah now go back and look at how much of that portion of the video is on Coastal Influence and Seamist. CI is pretty much heaven for defensive V2s because Allied boats are huge targets and the island is a really tight chokepoint that can be faced by V2s on a service depot. And on Seamist Allies don't have many vehicles to retaliate against V2s with. Meanwhile arty's strangehold extends to pretty much every map that has a slow economy. Hence a price hike should affect it a lot on those while barely hurting it on the high-income maps. For Seamist, I could add that "use Radar Dome to buy expensive tank" thing I was going on about before to give Allies a chance to get a couple more tanks to fend off V2s with.
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  11. #SpyLivesMatter
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  12. Yaks? That thing did appear on the very first soviet mission and the second one (where the map Guard_Duty is based on).
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  13. Something definitely needs to be done. I'm sick of exiting and entering my V2, even on flat terrain, just to get the aim over the target (usually base defenses). The same goes for the Artillery, which seriously needs its left and right turret pivot feature back.
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  14. Wish granted. Mind me using this thread, Totd?
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