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Showing most liked content on 06/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Holy shit, you guys are mental. Thank you! I'm happy you guys are enjoying this, because this game has been so much more work than I was expecting. In between resolving current events, I've been trying to prepare other items in advance, so I've been doing little else during my free time since the game started. Even with all of that, I feel like I haven't been doing as much as I should, as there are always things I could have explained more clearly and I should have done more to help players that were confused how to play, and more flavor things I could have put up if I had prepared it an advance like I should have. That said, this game isn't done yet. There is more yet to do.
  2. Reminder here that because the Time Machine was used, hammer has been pushed back a day to allow everyone time to adjust to the new reality. Hammer is in 25.5 hours.
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  3. Please report any issues. Thanks! PlayerCountTool.7z
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  4. NON-GAME RELATED DEADPOST Dear Ryan @Category 5 Hurricane, We have all agreed that you have been doing an amazing job in hosting this game, and we wanted to show you how much we appreciate the time and dedication you have put into this. We hope you haven't lost out on too much sleep in keeping up with our antics. Once this is all done and settled, do catch up on sleep and time with your family! You made this game insanely fun for us and we can't thank you enough, although maybe this Amazon gift card from us can. Thank you again, man! It's a blast! Signed, Jeod OrangeP47 ChopBam kamuixmod Chaos_Knight Voe Nodlied FRAYDO TheIrishman *Check your spam/junk folder if you don't see anything; PM me if there's trouble with your gift. **About the "Happy Father's Day" bit: I derped and forgot to change the gift card style. We are absolutely not colluding with your wife to tell you she's pregnant!
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  5. Kind of a silly idea I came up with that might be appropriate for something like Lunar Paradox. How about you make it so that when you buy a vehicle, there's a ~10% chance that you get a vehicle that looks completely identical, but has had its weapon replaced by a demo truck nuke?
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