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Showing most liked content on 06/15/2017 in all areas

  1. Kind of a silly idea I came up with that might be appropriate for something like Lunar Paradox. How about you make it so that when you buy a vehicle, there's a ~10% chance that you get a vehicle that looks completely identical, but has had its weapon replaced by a demo truck nuke?
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  2. Another minipatch is on the way. General All small-arms damage to mines up (SMG/Rifles 0.375 -> 0.6, LMGs 0.75 -> 0.9, shotgun primary/HMGs 1 -> 1.2) Fixed infantry cash rewards that weren't updated to reflect new prices. Medic Health down (100 -> 75) Now recovers 3 HP per second even while in combat. This does not speed up when out of combat, however. Gradual healing duration up (5 -> 6 seconds) Now has a secondary fire mode for the Medic Kit, which provides an instant full heal to all teammates in normal healing range (except himself as usual). However, he only gets ONE shot of this (unless he refills at a PCT/supply truck), it doesn't trigger the gradual heal effect, and it causes a 5-second reload on his medic kit which he must wait out with it equipped before he's able to use his gradual heal again. Gradual healing no longer affects other Medics (don't mind the healing effect being visible on the character for a split second, it's not real). The only way Medics can heal each other now is through their one-shot burst heal, so having 2 medics is not COMPLETELY useless, but they still can't last forever like before. Officers Bullets no longer pierce a character once. Rifle Soldiers M16 trishot ROF up (1 -> 1.5) M16 trishot standing/jogging inaccuracy down (0.5 -> 0.25) AK-47 sprayshot inaccuracy up (2.75 -> 3.75) Tanya Damage down (30 -> 25) Artilleries Splash armour penetration down (50% -> 37.5%) Splash burn damage upgraded to flamethrower/nuke "slow burn" (7.5 damage over 10 seconds instead of 2.5 over 1) Gunboat Cannon no longer causes damage to submerged subs; use the depth charges for this. Depth charge now has an artificial range limit of about 150m before the charge explodes; this is about as far as it was able to go before the cannon was able to hit low-flying aircraft, but that change allowed its depth charges to travel as far as sniper bullets... Minelayer AP mine damage down (600 -> 160) AP mine splash radius down (8 -> 6.5) AP mine splash now has no distance dropoff just like AT mines, so there should be absolutely no more instances of things like Tanyas surviving mines on single-digit HP. Yak Range up (110 -> 120m)
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  3. We're still stuck in the old "regenerating rifle soldier" circle except his combat isn't completely identical to that of another unit now (and actually helps fill the huge gap in power between captains and Tanyas) and the number of maps he can actually do his medic stuff on is only slightly larger than it was in Gamma. Looking for ways to further incentivise medicking on vehicle maps, which will then be countered by reduction of some of his recent changes so that he doesn't dominate infantry maps as hard as he currently does.
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